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on the Glory of Chrift. 237 they feed on afhes, and have· a lie in their right hand, Jefus Chri.ft is e'Videml.J crucified before our eyes in the Scripture, Gal. 5· I. So alfo is he evidently exalted , and glorified · therein. And it' is the Wifdom of Faith to ga~her into one, ·rhofe·· parcelled Defcr.iptioru. that a.re given of him, that they may be the ObJect of Its View and Contemplation. IN the Vifion which we fhall have above, the whole Glory of Chrift will be at once and alwmes teprefet~ted umo us; and we fhafl be enabled in one act of the Light of Glory to comprehend it. Here inded we fire at a lofs; our minds and underfl:andings fail us in their Contemplations. It will not yet enter into our hearts to conceive what is the beauty, what is the Glory of this compleat Reprefentation of Chrift unto us. To have at once all the Glory of what he is, what he was in his outward State and Condition, what he did -and fhffered, what he is Exalted Unto, his Love and Condefcention, his Myftical Union with the I~ Church, and the Communication ofhimfelf unto ~ it, with the Recapitulation of all things in Him ; and the Glory of God, even the Father, in his Wifdom, Righteoufnefs, Grace, Love, Goodnefs, Power, fhining forth eternally in him, in what he is, hath done, and cloth, all prefented unto us in one 'View, 'all comprehended by us at once, is that which at prefent we cannot conceive.We can long for · t, pant ati:er it, and have fome foretafts of it; namely of that State and ·Seafon, wherein our whole Souls in all their powers and faculties~ !hall 'onftantly, infeparably, eternapy deave by Love