2 3 8 , Meditationi a»d Difcourfes Love unto whole Chrift in the fight of the Glory of his Perfon and Grace, until they are watered, diffolved and inebriated in the waters ofLife, and · the Rivers of pleafilre that are above for evermore. So muft we fpeak 8f the things which we admire, which we adore, which we lov-e, w?ich we long for, which we h'ave fome foretafts of in fweetnefs in etfable, which yet we cannot comprehend THESE are fome few .of thofe things whence arifeth the difference be'tuleen that view which we' have here of the Glory of Chtift, ar1d that which is referved for Heaven; namely, fi1ch as are take'n from the difference between the mea'nr or inftrti· ments of the one and t'be other, ..',1ith and Sight.· IN the laft place, the great difference between them, confiij:s in, and is manifefted by their effects. Hereof I iliall give fome few inftances, and clofe this difcourfe. r. THE Vifion which we fha11 have of the Glory of Chrift in Heaven, and of the Glory 6f the imt:nenfe God in him, is perfectly and abfalutely transforming. It doth change us wholly into the Image of Chrift. !-¥hen we fhall fee· him,we ]hall be as he is, 21/e ]hall be like him, becatt:_(e 7»e· fha!l fee .him, r Joh. j. 2.. But a1tho the dofing, perfecting act of this Trans{01·mation bt; an act of fight,· or the fight of Glory; yet tht:re are many things towards it, or degrees in it, which we may here take notice of in our way. 1. THE Soul upon its departur·e from tbe Bodj, is immediately freed from all the the weaknefs',· difability , darknefs , uncertainties and fears ~· whiGil