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on the Glory of Chrifl. 239 which were impreffed on it from the flefh; wherewith it was · in the ftrieteft Union. The Image of the firfi: Adam as fa11en,is then aboli!hed. Yea, it is nnt only freed from all irregular\finful diftempers cleaving to our nature as corrupted, but from all thofe Jinlefs grievances and inflrmi... .ties which belong unto the Original Conftitutiott of it. This neceffarily enfhes on the diflolution of the Perfon in order unto a bleffed ftate. . The firft entrance by Mortality into Immortality, is a ftep towards Glory. The eafe which a bleffed Soul finds in a deliverance from this encumbrance, is a door of entrance into eternal reft. Such a . change ~ made in that, which in it felf is the center of all evil', namely Death, that it is made a means of freeing us from all the re~ mainders of what is evil. FOR this cloth -not follow abfolutely on the nature of the thing it fel( A meet Difl'olution of our natures can bring no advantage with it, efpecially as it is a part of the curfe. But it is from the Sanctification of it by the Death of Chrift. Hereby that which was Gods Ordinance for the infliction of Judgment, becomes an Hfectual means for the Communication of mercy, I Cor. 5. 2 2. Chap. 1 5. 54· It is by venue of the Death of Chrift alone, that the Souls of believers are freed by Death from all impreffions of fin, infirmity and evils, which they have bad from the fte!h, which were their Burden, under ·which they groaned all their daies. No man knows in any meafure the excellency of this Priviledg, and the dawnings of Glory which are in it, Who hath not been wearied, and even worn out, through