240 Meditatio.Pu and DifcourfeJ throtigh long confliCl:ing with the Body of DeatlLi The Soul hereon being freed from all annoyances~ all impreffions from the flelh, is expedite and enlarged unto the exercife of all its gracious faculties, as we fhall fee immediately. WITH wicked men it is riot fo. Death unto them is a curfe ; and the curfe is the means of the conveyance of alJ evil, and not deliverance from any. Wherein they have bee-n warmed and refrefhed by the influences of the ftelh, they ihall be deprived of it. But their Smtls in their feperate ftate, are perpetually harrafed with all the difquieting paj]ions which have been . impreffed on their minds by. tbeir cow-upt ftelhly lufts~ In vain do fuch perfons lo(!)k for relief hr· Death. If there be any thing remaining of prefent;·Good and ufefulnefs to them, they fhall be deprived of it. And their Freedom for a feafon from bo~ dily pains, will no way lie in the ballaflce againft that confluence of evils which Death will let in upan them. '2.. THE _(pirits offuft men being freed by Death: from the clog of the ftelh, not yet refined ; all the faculties of their ~ouls, and all the Graces in them, as Faith, Love and Delight, are immediately fer at liberty, enabled conftani:Iy to exercife themfelves on God in Chrift. The end for which they Were created , for tvhich our nature was endowed with them, was, that we might ad~ here imto God by them, and come unto the enjoyment of him. Being now freed wholly from all that impotency, perverfnefs , and dtfabiliry unto this end, with all .the effefu of them, which ~ame