on 'the Glory' of Chrijl. ~4 t came upon them by the f~!l; ·they are cartied with a full fiream towards God, <_:leaving unm Mm with the moft intenfe embraces. And atl their actings towatds[God, fhall be riatnraJ, vvitl1 facility, joy, delight a1id complacency. We knoW not yet the excellency of the Operations of our Souls in Divine things, when disbui·dened of their ' prefent weight of the Flefh. And this is a fecond ftep towards tlie Confurrimation of Glorjr. For IN the Refurreflion of the f3o(ly upo'n its fu U · redemption, it fhall befo p'urified, fanltified, gl orified; as to give no Obftruction unto the Soul in its Operations, but be a bleffed Organ for its higheft and mdfifpiritual actings~ The bod1 fhall never more be a trouble, a burden Unto the Soul' but ··~m affiftant in its Operations, and participant of its b-Ieffednefs. Our eyes were made w fee our E.edeemet, and our other Sences to receive' impreffions from him, according unto their ea. pacity. As the Bodies of wicked nien fhaii be reftored unto them to encreafe and cornpleat their mifery in their filtferings ; fo !hall the Bodies of the juft be reftored unto them, to heighten and confummate their bleffednefs. ' 3· THESE things are preparatory unto Glory. The compleat Communication of it, is by the Infufton of a ~ew heavenly light into t~1e mind, en.ad bling us to fee the Lord Chrift as he is.. The Soul fhall not be brought into the immediate prefence of Chrift without a new power to behold him, and the immediate Reprefentatior) of his Glory. Faith now cloth ceafe as unto the manner of irs · Operation in this. life~ whileftwe are·abfen : !rom R Cbriit.