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parts of it are [epa~able by -peath, the ~ne continuing to exift and aft zts efPectal Powers zn a [eparate _.~ jfate or conrlition. The Powers of the 'U>'hole entire , l . • c nature acti-ng in Soul an1 Body · in· conju118-icn, are · all fca.ttered and l~j} by l)ea~h. But the Po·u.J(!rJ of one Effential part of the fame N11ture, that is of the foul, are prefervul after Death ~n a more perjeEf aefi.;tg and extrcife than before. This is peculiar unto ~u:itrme natm·e, as a mean partakin__e; of Heaven (tnd Earth, tf the perfiEfion of Angels above, ttnd of the imperjeffio?z of the' Beafts beluw. Only ther.e is this diff'erence in thefe things: Our participation of the hca'Ven!y ffiritua! perfe{lions of the AngeHcal Nature, is for eternity; onr p~1rticipatifm of the im.._. per[tili9ns .of the animate creatures here below, is but for a jetJjo?J. Fer God hatb leftgmd cttr Bodies unto (itch t'l- glorictts refinemem at the Reforreflion, as that they jhali have no .more .Alliance unto that brutifl? ~at,ure, which perij1Jeth _fir ever. For we foall be ltlrt.yYiA.01~ lzke unto Angels, or Equal to them. Our bodies jhall no m&re be capable of thofe ARs and Operatians which are now cormnon to us with other hvi71f, ucatures here below. THIS is the preeminence of the nature ofman, 01 the wife man declares. For, unto that Objeffion of .Atheifl:ical Epicure.ms, As the one dieth, fo dieth the other; they ha Ye all one breath, fo that a man bath no preem!nence above a beaft and aH go into one place, all are of the dufr, and all turn ~o the dufi: again: He granteth , that as unto their Bodi"s it is fot a _(cajlm, in them ?ve have a prefent f.4~ticipatio1J of.th, ir natvtre; But, f~ith he, here !i,.. r ,, , , ' · · e:b