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24) !vbither it goeth; fo is e~er_y om Mat is born of the jpirit~ Joh. 3· 8. All Gods real . Operations in Heaven and Earth are incompreftenfible, as being acts of Infinite Power, and wb cannot fearch them out unto Perfection. , ~· ALL Commn~ications from the Divine Being and Infinite fulnefs in Heaven unto glorifie<;l Saints, .are in and through Chrift Jefus, who lhall forever be the Medium of Communication between ;God and the Church, even in Glory. All things being gathered into one head in him, even things in ·Heaven, and things in Earth; that head being in .immediate dependence on God, this order fuaU never be diffolvec~ Ephef. r. I o, 1 1. I Cor. 3· 2 3. And o~ thefe Communications from God through _Chrift depends .entirely our continuance in a !fate ofBle!fednefs and Glory. We 1ha1l no more be felf-filbfiftent in Glory, than we are in Nature or Grace. ' ' 4· THE way on our part whereby we 1hai1 ,eceive thefe Communications from God bv Chrifi:, :Which are the Eternal Springs of Life, Peace, Joy and Ble!fednefs, is this Vijion, the fight whereof ~e !pea~. For as it is exprefiy affigned thereunto in the Scripture; fo whereas it contains the perfect Operation of our minds and fouls ,in a perfect State, on the moft prefect Object, it is the only m.eans of our Bleffednefs. And this is the true caufe whence there neither is, nor can be any Satiety or wearinefs in Heaven, in the eternal Contemplation of the fame Glory. For not. only the O~feEl of our fight is abfolutely Infinite, which can never be fearched into the bottom; yea, ~s perpetually 'ne?JJ ~mto a finite underitandingfJ