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on the Glory of Chri/l. 247' breathe and pant afcer it. But it is not Beati'· fieal. 0 T HER Differences of an alike nature be.. tween our Beholding of the Glo~y of Chri(t in this Life by Faith, and that Vifion of ir, which is referved for Heaven, might be infifted on ; bm I fhall proceed no further. There is nothing farther for us to do herein but that now and alwaies we fhut up all our Meditations concerning it, with the de~peft .felfabaj"ement out of .a fenfe of our unworrhinefs and infufficiency to compre- . hend thofe things , Admirati011 of that excellent Glory which we '"'annat comp~·eh'er,d, and 'Vehement longings for that feafon when he fhall fee him as he is, be ever with him, and know him, even, as we are known. F I N I S.