Owen - BT200 O97 1684

Peace a~d ~ietnefs beyond our Expeffation. Mu!~ titudes have had experience that thofe thi-ngs 'lvhich at a diftartce have had an .A.JPeCf of overwhelming dread, have been far from unfupportab!e in their approach, when 1frength bath beerJ receh.Jed from above to encounter with them. And moreovet it is in this cafe required~ that we be frequent and fteady in comparing tbefe th~ngs 1vith .thofe which are eternal, both m unto the mifery, whzch we are freed from, and that blejfednefs which iJ· prepared for us. But I Jbalt proceed r;o {art her witlJ thefe particu• Jars. THERE ·is none of all tbe things we have i~ft· ed on, neither the Refignation of a departing Soul into the hand of God, nor a willingnefs to lay down this ftefh in .the duft, nor a readinefs to corn· ply with the will of God, as to the times and feafons, or the way and manner of the approach of Death, that can be attained unto, 'JJJithout a proJPeCf of rhat Glory that jhall give us a new ftate far more -excellent than what we here leave or·- depart from. . This we cannot have; whate• ver we pretend, unlefs we have Jome prefent views of the Glory of Chrift. An Apprehenfion of the fu• ture Manifeftation of it in Heaven, will not relieve $11, if here we know not what it is, and wherein it doth confift ; if we have not fome previotJS Difcovery of it in this Life. This is that which will make all things ea(ie and pleafant unto ~a, even Death it [elf, m it is a means to bring 114 unto its full enc. joyment. - OTHER