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~ ~ JY!editations and Difcourfes filppofe, by Reafon, and the Light of Nature; like Bats and Owls, who 'being not able to bear the Light of the Sun; betake themfelves unto the Tw~light, to the dawning~ of Light and Darkneii ·, · · ' · · · '· ' 2 ·•. WHATEVER they did attain, as qnto rational Notions about things invifib1e and 'incornprehenfible, yer could they never deliver them~ felves froril filch Principles and Praltifes in Idola~ try and all 'manner of ftagitious Sins, as that they could be of ~ny benefit unto them. This is fo eff~ttually detnor1ftrate? by the Apoftle ili the Jirft Chapter of the ' Ep~(He to the 'Romans) · as th~t we need not to infift upon it. : · ·' ··. ' MEN may talk what they pleafe of a Lighi 'JJJithin them, or of the ~qwer of Reafon, to conduet them unto that Knowledg of God, whereby they· may live unto ·him : But if they had n6:. thing· elfe, if they' did ·not boaft themfelv es of .that Light, whicp bath its Fmfndarion land Original in Divine Revelation alone, they Would not excell them, who in the beft management of their own reafonings, knew not God; bur waxed vain in rheidmaginations. ' !·WITH refpect untd this Univerfa l Darknefs, that is, Ign<Wance of God, with horrid confufion accompanying it in the minds of men, Chrift is called, and is, the Light of Jlt1en, the Light of the World, becaufe in and by him alone this darknefs is difp~lled, as he i~ ; the Sun of 'Righte(}uf nefs. · , · - · · ·' 2. THIS Darknefs in the Minds of Men, this Ignorance of God, his Nature arid his Will, was the Originalof all Evil unto the · world, and yet continues fo to be., -For, i I. HEREON t':