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on tl1e Glory of Cbri/l. 23 1. HEREON did Satan erect his Kingdom and Throne, obtaining in his defign until he bare himfelf as the God of this l¥orld, and was fo efreemed by the moft. He exalted himfeJf by .verrue of this darknefs (as he is the P1·i11ce of darknefs ), into the place and room of God, as the ObjeCt of the religious Worfhip of men. For the things which the <;Jmtiles fa crificed, they facrijiced unto Devils , and not to God , I Cor. 10. 21. Le'r..Jit. 17. 7· chap. 32. 17. Pfal. 108.27. Gal. 3· 8. This is the Territory of Satan; yea, the Power and Scepter of his Kingdom in the minds of the children of difr;bedience. Hereby he maintains his Dominion unto this day in many and great ,Nations; and wi th individual perfons innumerable. . ' _ 2. THiS is the fpring of all wickednefs and confufion among men themfelves. Hence arofe that flood of Abominations in the Old World, which God took away with a Flood ·of Defolation: Hence were the fins of So(lpm aml Gomorrah, which he revenged with fire from Ilea'r.len. , In brief: All the Rage, Blood , Confufion, Defolations, Cruelties, Oppreffions, Villanies, which the World hatli been, and is filled withal ' whereby the fouls of men have been, and are flouded into eternal dellrutl:ion, have all arifen from this corrupt Fountain of the Ignorance of God. 3· OF fi1ch <\S thofe defcribed, we are the Pofteri~y and Off-fpring. Our Fore-fathers in this Natiqn, were given up unto as brutifu a fer- --vice of the Devil, as any .Nation under the Sun. It is therefore an eftetl: of infinite mercy, that · B 4 the