~ 6 .J."\tledittltions and Difcourfes God, reprefenting him, his Natut:e, Properties, and Will unto us? Do we fee him as the Charafier, the expre[s Image tf the Perfon of the Father, fo as that we have no need of Philip's Requefr, Lord, Jhew us the Father , becaufe having feen him, we have feen the Father al{o, John 14. 9· THrS is our firft faving view of Chrift, the firft inftance of . our beholding his gl01y' by fait h. So to fee him , as to to fee God in him, is ·to be. hold his glory ; for herein is he eternally glorious. And this is that Glory whole view we ought to long for , and labour after. And if we fee it not, we are yet in darknefs ; yea, tho we fay we fee, we ate blind like others. SoDa- . vid longed and prayed for it , when yet he could behold . it only in Types and Shadows, · Pfa!. '6 j . I, 2 . 0 Gorl, thou art my God, early 'vill I feek th'ee ; my foul thirjleth for thee, my jlejh longeth for thee, to fee thy power and thy glory, {o as I ha·ve feen them in the fan8uary. For there was in the SanCtuary an obfcure reprefentation of the Glory of God in Chrift. How much more fhould we prize .that view of it, which we .may have with open face, tho yetminagla{s? 2Cor. 3.18. 1 MOSES when he had feen the Works of God, which were great and marvellous, yet found not himfelf fatisfied therewith : Wherefore after all, he prays that God ?vouldjhew him his Glory, Exorl. 33· 18. He knew that the Ultimate Refr, Bleffed:- nefs and SatisfaCtion of the Soul, is,not, in feeing the works of God, but the Glory of God himfelf. Therefore did he defire fome immediate claw- . nings of it npon him in this world. I befeech thee jbew