29 IN beholding the Glory of this Infinite Wifdom of God in Chrift, we behold his own Glory alfo ; the Glory given him af his Father ; for this is his Glory, that in and by him, and him alone the Wifdom of God is manifeftc~d and reprefented unto us. When God appointed him as the great and only means of this end, he gave him honour and glory above the whole Creation : for it is but little ofDivine Wifdom which the works of it declare, in comparifon of what is manifefted .in Chrift Jeii1s. We no way deny or extenuate the manifeftation that is made of the Wifdom ~f . God in the works of Creation and Providence. It is fufficient to detect the folly of Atheifm and Idolatry, and was defigned of Go~ unto that end. But it's comparative infu./ficiency, with refpect unto the reprefentation of it in Chrift, as unto the ends of knowing God aright, and living unto him, the Scripture cloth abundantly atteft. And the abufe of it was catholick, as the Apoftie declares, Rom. r . 2o.&c.To fee this wifdom ciearly,is our wifdom; and a due apprehenfion of it, fills the fouls of believers with joy rmffieakable, andfull of glory. · . 2. WE may alfo inftance in the Lo·ve of Got!. The Apoft:Ie tells us, that God is Love, I 1ob. 4· &. Divine Love is not to be confidered only in its effects, but in its Nature and Effence ; and fo it is God himfelf; For God is Love. And a bleffed Revelation this is of the Divine Nature: It cafts out Envy, Hatred, Malice, Revenge, with all their Frmts, in Rage, Fiercenefs, Implacability, Perfecution, Murder, into the Territories of Satan. They belong not unto God in his Nature or ACt· ings;