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on the Glory o[ ·Ctrij1. ~ 3 ligio~? which is Mahume:ifm; The .:IJ.lanifell-atiorl of all the holy Properties of the Dtvme Natute;, ~ith the repref~nte\tion , of them unto At1gels · ahove, arid the Church iri this world, as· he is the': Jmage of the Inrvifible God, . in the Conftitution nf his perfori, and the Difchatge of his Office, are things they regard not ; yea they defpife ancf fcorn what is ptbfeffed toneernii1g them; for pride and contempt of orhet·s were always the fafeft coVert of ignorance; otherwife it would feeni ftrange, that ,n1en fhoqld openly IJoaff of their own blindnefs. But th~(e , . concepti.c~ns of ri1 e 11~i fninds are it1fluenced by that tmberief of his Dr.. vine Perfon, which maketh havock of Chtiftimiity at this day in the wotld. , . . . I fpeak of them, whofe minds are better dtfpofed towards heave'nly things; and unto them I fay, f:Vherefore do you love ]-efu!J .Cht ift? for fb yoil pro-:. fefs to do. Wherefore do you truft in him ! \Vherefore do you honour him? \Vherefore dH you deflre to be in Heaven wi th him ? Can ytn1. give a rea[on of this b,ope that is in you ? An ac-. count why yolJ do' all or any of thefe thirigs ( If you cannot,-a11 chat you pretend towards him, rsbut fancy and imagination ; yml fight uncertainlj as men benting the air ; or is one of your ieafons hereof, That in hiin you do by Fa'ith behold thatglo• ry·ofGod, wirh·theHoiy Properties of his Nature~ and their Principal Operations, in order untd yout own Salvation and Bleffeonefs, which otherwife would haye been ererna1ly hid from you?" J::!ereon is he· p~e~ious utJto tbem that dP btl!ert;e. JJ LET