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36 wearinefs or fatiety unto Eternity.Is not the caufe ofit, that we are unfpiritual or carnal, having our Thoughts and Affections wonted--to give entertainment umo <;>ther things ? For this is the principal caufeof our unreadinefs· and incapacity to exercife our minds in and abounhe great MyfteJ'ies of the Gofpel, r Cor. 3· I, 2, 3· And it is fo with us moreover, becaufe ~e do not.ftir up our felves with warchfulnefs and ·diligence in continual Actings of Faith.on this Bleifed Object. This is· that which kee~s many of us at fo low an ebb, as unto the Powers of an heavenly life, and fpiritual Joys. b d. h. · h. ·r:. f DID we a oun m t 1s Duty, m t ts· exerc11e o faith, ourlife in walking beforeGod would be:more fweet and pleafant unto us; our fpiritilallight and ftrength would have adaily encreate ; we fhould more reprefenr the Glory of Chrift in our ways and walking, than ufually we do ; and death it felf would be moft wetcome unio us. . THE Angels themfelves defire to look into the things of the .' Glory of Chrift, I Pet. 1. I o, I 2. There is in them matter ofEnquiry and· Inftruction for the moft high and holy fpirits in Heaven. The manifold Wifdom of God in them is made known unto Prinoipalities and Powers in heavenlJ places by the Church, Ephef._ 3· I o. And fhall we neglect that which is the obJ etl: of Angelica! Diligence to enquire into ; efpeciaJly·confidering that we aremore than they concerned in it ? I S Chrift then thus glorious in our eyes ? Do we fee the Father in him, or by feeing of him? Do we feduloufiy,daily contemplate on the Wifdom, Love2 Grace, Goodnefs, Holinefs, and Righteouf. nefs