44 Meditations and Difcourfes his 'Judgments,and his ways paft finding out!For who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who bath been his counfellor, or who hath fi~{f given unto him, and it {hall be recempenced unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him are all things ; to whom be Glory for ever, .Amen, Rom. I I. 33, 34, 3), 36. 2. IN and through ch,.ift we do believe in God, 1 Pet. I. 24. This is the life of our fouls. God himfelf in the Infinite Perfections of his Divine , Nature, is the ultimate Object of our Faith , but he is not here che immediate ObjeLl: of it , but the Divine Way and Means of tqe Manifeftation of himfelf and them unto us, are fo. Through Chrift we believe in God. By our Belief · in· him, we come to place our Faith ultimately in God himfelf ; and this we can no otherwife do, but by beholding the Glory oj God in him, as hath been declared. · · 3. THIS is the only way whereby we may attain the faving,fanCfijjing knowledg ofGod; With- .out this, every Beam of Divine Light that thines on us, or gleans from without ( as the Light jhi- 'lleth into darknefs when the darknefs comp_rehendeth it not, Job. 1. ;. ) Every fpark that anfeth from the remainders of the Light of Nature within,do rather amaze the minds of men, than lead them into the faving knowledg of God. So a Glance of Light in a Dark Night giving a tranfient view of various ObjeCl:s, and paffing away, cloth rather amaze, than direCt a Traveller, and leave him more expofed unto wandring~than before. . Such were all thofe Notions of the Divine Being artd its Excellencies, which thofe who boafted them- . Jelve~