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ou the Glory of Chrifi. 5 i t11ereof which moft men fpend th~ir thoughts about, and fix t~eir Affections ori? The P falmzft:. gives his Judgment about them? in cotnparifori of a view of this Glory of Chrift, Pf.a1. 4· 6. . Ma1~7: fay, who'Jvitl jh~w us any go~d? yYho w.ill give at1.d help us to attau1 fo much m and of tlus world, a3 will giYe Reft an9 Satisfaction unto oi1t ri1idds ? That is the good enquired after. Brit, faith he, ~ord lift up the light oJ thy counten~nce upon us. The· Light of the Glory of God in the Face of Chrift: Jdils, is that fatisfaUory good alone, w!lid1 I de. fire and feek after. . . · , · THE Scripture teproacheth the Vanity an~ Folly of the mind,s ?fmen) in that they [pentl their mony for rhat 1vhich is not -bread; aitd their labou:r_ . for that which profitethnot. They in gage the vigdr 6~ their fpirits about perifhing things, when they haue dilrable filbftance and riches ptopofed tJnto them. HOW do men for the moft patt exercife their minds ? what ate they converfant abont in th~li:' Thoughts ? , , . ~· . . SOME by them make p'rovijion for the flefli,, _ t~ f ulfil it in the lufts th~reof, as Ror:n. I j. I 4· They · fearch abo'ut continually in theirThollghts forObjecrs fi.1ited unto .their Iufts and tan~al aft~criorl:,?. ' coyning, framing and Hamping of them in the.it Imaginations. They fix their eyes "Yith deli,ght on Toads an·d Serpents, with aU noifome filthy ,Objeas ; refufing in ,the mean rime , to behold the~ Beauty and' Glory of the Light of the Su(J; Stl)s ·it with all that .fperrd their Thoughts abon't th.e' Qbjeei:-s of their linttll Pleafut:es !), t~fufing td look t1 p after one view of fh.is Glory of Chrift. · . SOME keep their Thoughts in 'ontinn.ai Et.. E ~ ~rciC~