~?. Meditation! and Dijcourfu rrcife about the things of this world, as unto the Advantage&and Emoluments which they expect .from them. Hereby are they transform- ( d into the Image_of the world ,. becoming earthly, carnal and vain. Is it becaufe there is no God in I(raelthat thefe Applications are made unto the Jdcl of Ekron? Thatthere is no glory, no defirablenefs in Chrifi: for men to enquire after, and fix the..r minds upon ? Oh the blindnefs, the darknefs , the folly of poor finners? J17hom do they def. pife, and for what ? SOME of more refined parts, and riotional m: nds, do a rife unto a fedulous meditation on the t \-·orks of Creation and Providence. Hence many excellent Difcourfes on that Subjea adorned with ' Eloquence, are publifhed among us. And a work this is worthy of our Nature, and fuited unto our rational capacities ; yea the firft end of our natural endowment 'with them. But in all thefe things there is no Glory in comparifon of what is propofed unto us in the Myfterious cpnftitution of the Perfon of Chrift. The Sun bath no Glory, the Moon and Stars no ·Beauty, the Order and Influence of the Heavenly Bodies, have no excellency in comparifon of it. This is that which the Pfa]mift defigns to declare, Pfal. 8. 0 Lord our Lvrd, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who haft [et thy Glory above the heavens. TiVhen I confider thy heavens, the work of thy.ftngers,the Moon and the Stars which thou haft ordained ; what is man that thou art mindful ofhim, and the [on of man that thou vijiteft him ? For thou haft made him a little lower than the A·ngels, and haft crowned him withglorr & honour; thou haft made him to have JominiorJ over ihe work of thy htmds, thon haft put all things under his feet . HE