Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

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T H $ WORKS Of thclateREVERENDand LEARNED John Owen, D. D. Sometime Vice Chancellor of the Univerfity of OXFORD, and Dean of CHRIST-CHURCH: Containing feverai Scarce and Valuable DISCOURSES, (VI Z.) I. ADECLARATIo N ofthe III. Of IN-DWELLING SIN in glorious MYSTERY of the I I Believers. PERSON of CHRIST, IV. Of TEMPTATION; the being a direct Refutation I I Nature and Power of it. Of ARIAN I S M and So C i` xV. OfMORTIFICATIONOfSIN NIA NISM. in Believers. II. Of COMMUNION withGoo I ; VI. Of theDEATH ofCHRIST, the FATHER, SON, and Ho- 1 thePRICE he paid, and -PUR- Lr GHOsr. 1, CHASE he made. WITH .A Difplay of Arminiavui f n. Firif publithed in the DO CTO R's Life-time; and now Collé&ed toge- ther in one V OL UME ; being very ufeful for Families. 'To which is prefixed the Dolor's Effigies curioufly engraves. Recommended by fe'reral Learned and f udicious D IVI NE S. LONDON: Printed for, and Sold lay WILLIAM and TosePH MARSHALL, at the BIBLE in Newgateftreet ; and likewife by J. Marfhall, at the Biblein Grace-church- ftreet ; R. Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry ; Aaron Ward, at the King's- Arms in Litt'se-Britain; and E. Harrifon, at the Royal Exchange: As alto byfames M' Ewen, and games Davidfon, at Edinburgh in Scotland and Jahn IJ.sint, at Bofan, in New-England. MDCCXXI.

TO THE READER: S the dignity of human nature is in nothing more evident than in its Capacityof worfhipping the divine Being; fo the beauty of religion is never more apparent, than in the becoming lives and converfations of its profelfors. To fee a perfon fo far mailer of his feveral paffions and inclinations to fus, as enables him to yield anuniform and conftant, as well as chearful, o- bedience, unto all the ways of holinefs, mull needs aetra& the eyes of the be- solder, and flit up force defines of imitating a pattern fo very agreeable. Such a perfon, fuch a converfation is acceptable toGod, and a greater ornament to he gofpel in the fight of man, than thegreáteft èloqueneeofexprefIion, or fhe deepeft fearches into its myfteries can poffibly be without it. It is not the cl'o- quent tongue, but the holyheart, that molt adorns the true chrif ian. This, as it renders him mot'slovely in the fight of others, fo it furnifhes him with the molt comfortable refeßions to himfelf. The praetice of true religion makes a man feel in hisôwn foul thofe fpiritual pleafures, which is only the fubjeß of difcourfe to others. Our author was. not unfenfible of this, but laboured earneftly both in his preaching and writing to promote an humbleand holy walkingwith God. He was not a littleconcerned for the great decays, as to the fpirit and power ofve- ligion, which have been ton vifibleamong many profeffors in there later ages, and never more thanat the prefent time. This put him uponwriting thole ex- cellent pra&ical'difcourfes, whichare presented to you, in order, to excite to a more ftedfaft communion- witKGnd, A fiibieCs, t-hongl' little regarded byforce, and utterly defpifed by others, yet cannot, but be very acceptable tö thole who have experienced this intercourfe between God and their own fouls; who have found the comfort thereof in the greateft difficulties, and have been fupported by it in all the various fames ofprovidence. Thofe whohave tailedofthe pow-, ers of the world to come, whore hearts have been warmed with the love of things farfuperior to all thedelights of fettle, will havea high efteem for what- foever may promote communion with God. Such perfons are too fenfible of the power of indwellingfin, which hats fo often interrupted them in their ho- ly courrr, and labour after a mortification thereof; neither are theyUnacquaint- edwith the ftrength of temptations, which endeavour o feduce them from the ways of God. To fuch then, we hope,.the following difcourfes on there heads will not be difagreeable, efpecially confidering the worth of that great Man by whom they were penned, whore labours have been fo defervediywell dteemed in the church of Chrift. As

To the READER, As for thofe pieces here publifhed, which coniern controverfial points, it is hoped they will not be unfeafonable at a-time when llrianifm on theonehand, and .,4rminianifmon the other, have Co much prevailed amongftus, both con- , fpiring to deprive our dearRedeemer ofthat honour which is due to his mat What is petformedin this edition is the next thing to be confidered, where it may not be improper to remark that molt Of thefe pieces here publilhed, were grown very fcarce, and confeqúently- their value increafed; that they are here printed from the original printed copies, publifhed in the Doflor's life-time, and with this advantage, that the fcveral heads, which before were fomewhát confuted;ate lure reduced to their proper divifions and tub-divifions, which renders it more intelligible to ordinary readers. Thofe who are deSrous to know more of Doftor Owen, may be furnilhed with his Life, and a compleat collet-lionof his Sermons; together with his Fu- neral Sermon, preached by the reverend DavidClarkfón, B. D. All printed together in twovolumes in oliavo, publifhedby Mr. Marfhall. eo'fáb9in i..*ca.róa'é.eó óxóiAAkAa&&arót éo.aeä `e.b"+ Áe`oYvo9 *** The Proprietors think it not improper to "inform the Subfcribers, That whereas this Volume wasproposa to con of only t so Sheets, it isfuelled to above 40 more, whichwe notwithftanding deliver at the Price firfi propofed to the Sublcribers. Other Piecesof theDoetor's, not contained in this, fhallbe printed in the next Volume, topreferve his Works,, (William By ( and Maríhall, Jofeph 1l1 ,lltthe Bible in Newgate-ftreet ; Where may be hadJingly the Effigies of the following Miners, viz. Ì)r. Owen, Mr. Mead, Mr..Nesbitt, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Caryll, Mr. Baxter, Mr. M. Clark, Mr. Henry, Mr. Bunyan, Mr. S. Clark; Mr. Bradbury, Mr. Pigott. Dr..Crifp, Mr. Janewayj Dr. Calamy, Mr. Kcach, Mr. Pomace, Mr. Tong, A

XPIMTOAOF IA: O R, A DECLARATION O F THE Glorious Myftery O F T H E PERSON of CHRIST , GOD and MAN. WITH THE Infinite WIsDoM, LovE and POWERof GOD in the Contrivance and Con{Iitution thereof. As alfo of The Grounds and Reafons of his INCARNATION, the Na- ture of his MINISTRY in HEAVEN, the Prefent State of the CHURCH above thereon, and the Life of his P ER s oN in Religion. WITH An Account and Vindication of the HONOUR, WORSHIP, FAITH, LOVE, and OnEnIENCE duc unto him, in and from the CHURCH. By JOHN OWEN, D. D. Tea donbtlefs, and I count all things but lorsfor theexcellency of the know- ledge of atilt jefus my Lord; for whom Ihave Jieo fered the lofs ofall things, and do count them but dung that I may win Chri/t, Phil. iii. 8. L O N D O AT: Printedfor JOSEPH MARSHALL, at the Bible in Newgateftreet, 1721. ú î' Where is fold all Dr. OWEN'S Works.

P R T H E E F A C E. Tie agreatpromilk concernMgtheperfonofChrifl, as he woos to begiven onto the church, (for. he was a child born, a tongiven unto us, Ifa. ix. a.)that God would lay him in Zion for a foundation, a Bone, a trycd Bone, a precious corner Bone, a fore foundation, whereon he that believeth, (hall not make hafte, Ifa. xxviii. i p. let was it alfo foretold concerning him, that thisprecious foundation fhould be for a Bone of Bumbling, and for a rock of offence, to both the houfes of Ifraelo for a gin, and for a fnare unto the inhabitants of jerufalern. So as that many among them fhould Bumble and fall, and be broken, and be !hared, and be taken, Ifa. viii. t 4. 15. According unto thispromife andprediílion, it h th f o t inall ages of the church, as the apo/tle Peter declares concerning the r of them Wherefore (faith he) alto itwas contained in the fcripture, Behold I lay in Zion a chief comer clone, cieli and precious, and he that believethon him, lhall not be confounded. Unto you thereforewhich believe, he is precious s but unto them that aredifobedient, the Bone which the builders difallowed, the fame is made the head of the corner, and a Bone of Bumbling, and a rock of offence, even unto them that Bumble at the word, being difobedient, whereunto alto they were appointed, t Epi/ì. Chap.ii. 6, 8. Unto them that believe unto the /lying of the faul, he is, he always bath beenprecious ; the fen, the rock, the life, the breadof theirfords, every thing that is good, 2 feful, amiable, defzrable here or unto eternity. In, from, and by him, is all their fpiritual and eternal life, light, power, growth, confolati- im and joy here, with everlafting falvation hereafter. By him alone do they defere, expea and obtain deliverance from that woful apoflacy from God, which is accompanied withal, which containeth in it virtually and meritori- oufly, whatever is evil, noxious and deftrullive unto our nature, and which without relief will ii fue in eternal mifery. By him are they brought into the neareft cognation, alliance and friend¡hip with God, the firmeft union unto him, and themoll holy communionwitb him, that our finite natures arecapable of, andfo condoned unto the eternal enjoyment of him. For in him (hall all the feed of Ifrael be juftified, and Beall glory, Ifa. i 5. For Ifrael all

iv. . P $ E F a c F. be fared in the Lord, with an everlafting falvation, they fhall not be afhamed nor confounded world without end, ver. 17. On theft and the like accounts, the principal. deign of their whole lives onto whom he is thusprecious; is to accquaint themflves with him, themyfltry of the wfdom, graceand love cf Gad, in his perfonand mediationas reveal- cdunto us in the feriptere, which is life eternal, John xvii. 3. to trufl in him, andunto hint, as unto all the everlafting concernments of their fools,. to love andhonour himwith all their hearts, to endeavour after conformity emtohim, in all thole charaílers of divinegoodnefs andholinfs; which are reprefented onto them in him. In theft things confefl the fail, life, power, beauty and efficacy 'of chrfian religion, without which, whatever outward ornaments may be put upon its exercii , it is but an oflefs, lifelefs carcafs. The whole of this defmn. is expreffed in theft heavenly words of the apofle, 151ül,`iii. 8, 9, ro. r r, i z. Yea doubtiefs, and I count all things but lofs, for theexcellency of theknowledge of Chat Jefus ray Lord; for whom I have fuffered the lofs of all things, and do count them but dung, that I might win Chrilt and be found n hint, not having mine own rithtcoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrilt, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. That I may know him, and the power of his xetrirreftion, and the fellowlhip of his fufferings, being made conformable unto his death ; if by any means I might attain unto the refurrcftion of the dead : Not as though F had already attained, either were already petfeEt ; but I follow after, if that I may apprehendthat for which I alto am apprehendedof Christ Jefus. This is a divineexpreon of thatframeof heart, of thatdefign which is predominant andefficacious in themUnto whomChef is precious. But on the other hand, according unto the forementionedprediElion, as he bath bbeen'a fore foundationunto all that believe ; fo he bath in like manner been afone offumbling, and rock of offence unto them thatfumble at the word, being difobedient, whereunto they alto were appointed. There is no- thing in him, nothing wherein he is concerned; nothing ofhim, his perfori, his natures, his office, his grace, his love, his pciver, his authority, his re- lation unto the church, but it bath been unto many a ¡loneoffumbling, and rock of offence. Concerning th,fe things have been all the wefryl coretefts, which have fallen out and been managed among thofe that outward- ly. havemade profeffon of the chr f ian religion. And the contentions about them de rather increafe than abate, unto this very day ; the difmal fruits whereof the, worldgroanethunder, and is no longer able to bear. For as the oppofitionunto the Lord Chri /t in theft thingsby men ofperverfeminds, hach ruined their own fouls, as having deified" themfelues in pieces again_ this everlafing rock ; fa in conjunilionwith others loftsand interefs of the carnal minds of men, it teach flied the world'itfelf with bloodand confu/ron.. The re-enthroning of theperfora, fpirit, grace and authority of Chrif.ire the hearts and confciences of men, is theonly way whereby an end maybeput unto theft woful confiils. But this is not to be expelled in any degree ofper- fetlion amongfi them who mble at thisfane of offence, whereunto they are appointed, though in the iffue he willherein alto fend forth judgment un- to vülory, andall the meek of the earth _hallfollow after it. In themean time, as thofe unto whom he is thus a rock of offence, in hisperfora, hisfpi- rit, his grace, his office and authority, are diligent and reflefs in their vari- ous ways and forms, in l fifer br higher degrees, in fecret artifices, or open contradiltions unto anyor allof them, under variouspretences, andfór divers ends, even fecular advantages fame of them, which the craft iffatanbath preparedfor the eoifnaring of them, an all ways of oppofition unto hisglory; fo it is the highe/ftt duty of them unto whomhe ifprecious,. whofe principal defign w to befoundbuilt on him ae the lure foundation ; as to hold the truth ton-

P R E F A C E. concerning him, hisperfans% pirit,grace, office andauthority, and to aboundin all duties offaith, love, truft, honour anddelight in him ;fo alfo to declare his ex- cellency, to plead the caufeofhisglory,to vindicate his honour,andto witnefs him the only reffand rewardofthefoulsofmen,as theyare calledandhaveopportunity. This and no other is the defign of the enffuing treatife, wherein asall things fall unfpeakably Jhort of the glory, eieellency and fublimity of the fubjeli treated of, for no mind can conceive, no tongue can exprefs the real fubftantial glory of them ; fo there is nodoubt but that in all the parts of it, there is a refletlion offailings and imperfel ions from the weaknefsof, its author. But yet Imull fay with confidence, that in the whole, that eternal truth of God concerning the myjtery of his wifdom, love, grace andpower, in the perfon and mediation of Chr, with our duties towards himfelf therein, even the Father, Son, and Eternal Spirit, ispleadedand vindicated, which(hail never be fhaken by the utmoft endeavours and oppo¡itsons of the gates of hell. And in the acknowledgment'of the truth concerning thefe things confifts that faith in an efpecial manner, which was the life andglory of the primi- tive church, which they earnefily contended for, wherein and whereby, they were viîlorious againft all the troops of Rumbling adverfaries, by whom it was affaulted. In giving teftimony hereunto, they loved not their lives unto death, butpoured out their blood like water, under all the paganperfecutions, which had no other defignbut to cal them down and feparate them from this impregnable rock, this precious foundation. In the defence of theft truths did they confidi inprayers, Rudies travels and writings, againft the fwarms offeducers, by whom they were oppofd. And for this caufe I thought to have confirmed the principalpaffages of the enwing difiourfe with fame to monies from the molt antient writers of the ft ages of the church "r <, I omitted that courfe, as fearing that the interpofition of fuch paffages might obftruel inflead of promoting the edification of the common fort of readers, which I principally intended. Yet withal I thought notgood utterly to neeg- ldt that deign, but to give at leá/I afpecimen of theirfentiments about the principal truths pleaded for, in this preface to the whole. But .herein alfa I meet with a difappaintment; for the bookfeller having unexpelledly unto me, feni/lied the printing of the difcourf it fel ,, Imu/ be contented to make ufe of what lyeth already coddled under my hand, not having leifiere or time to make any farther enquiry. I /hall do fomething of this nature, the rather, becaufe I frail have accafr- on thereby togive a fummary account of fame of the principal parts of the difiourfe it fef, and to clear fame paffages in it, which by force maybe ap- prehended abfeure. Cap. t. Thefoundation of the whole is laid in the vindication of thofe words of our blelfed Saviour, wherein hedeclares himfelf to be the rock where- on the church is built, Mat. xvi. 18. And I fay alto unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my church, and the Gates of hell Mall not prevail againft it. The pretended ambiguity of theft words, bath been wrefted by the fecular interefts of men to give occafion unto that prodigious controverfy among chrifians, namely, whether Jefus aril' or the pope Of Rome be the rock whereon the church is built. Tbofe holy men of old unto whom Chr/ anat. precious, being untainted with the defres of fecular gran- deur andpower, knew nothing hereof Tefimanies may be, they have been multiplied by others unto thispurpofe ; Í (hall mentionfamefew of them. Oú'rg, eoF i 7re9t r rrxnege myeatt, óá85, l 7dlex ñ xTfis, I maaír, &c. faith Ignatius Epift. ad Philadelph, He (that is, Chrft) is the way leading unto the Father, the rock, the key, the' Ihepherd, whereinhe hash n,/Jell un- to this teftimony. And Origen expreRdenies thewords to befakenof Peter, V

vi P R E P AC f;. in Matth. chap.xvi. Tra&. i. Quod fi fuper unum illnm Pcttum tantum exiftimes totam Ecclefiarir ædificari, quid diAuruses de Johanne, &Apollolonum unoquo- que ? Num audebimus dicerc quod adverfus Petrum unum non prcvalituru funt. porto inferorum ? If you limit think that the whole church was built on Peter alone, what 'hall we fay of John, and each of the apoflles? What (hall we dare to fay that the gates of hell Ihall not prevail a ainft Peter on- ly ? So he according unto the common opinion of the ant; t ts, that therewas. nothingpeculiar in the confegion of Peter, and the anfwer ,cede thereunto, as unto him' f but thathe f ake and was f okeñ unto in the name of all the refs of the apoftles. Eufcb. Pruparat, Evangel. lib. r. cap. iii. )171 fvo can) are99E- o,nOow txxtnnla dtarg Ç eua ggzrl ße vç FpÉnwµvn, od N x2f cvg5 v%,w AV- o -v iuxaîç mom., tad SECfOoi uaEPvv /.erwff ?;oµ<va. biz ¿nay clu& a, ÿv Aula ciuotheno ?í o, e,rwv, "Exi zeh - rescv obwb`oµfau 14.8 va ¿uxñnoizv, to) ,m ai elba of vgdtyfosca, durât. Heproves ¡he verity ofdivine predillions from the glorious accomplifhment of that word andpromife of our Saviour, that he would build his church on the rock, (that ri, himfelf) fo as that the gates ofhell fhould not prevail againft it. For Ununt hoc eft immobile fundamentrun, una hue eft fulia fidel Petra, Petri ore confelfà; Tu es filius Dei vivi, faith Hilar. do Trim lib. z. This is the only immovable foundation this is the blotted rock of faith, confeffed by Peter; Thou art the Son of the living God. And Epiphanius, Hur. 39. 'Eadzñ seivyrpwiry st ánpxtáslOSws olxosgiormow pig r v clexv.narav, Upon this rock of allured faith I will buildmy church. For many thought that faith ifelf was metonymicaly called the rock, besaufe of its object, or the perfon of arewhich isfo. °fim., OOne or two more out of Auftìn'hall clofe theft teftimonies. Super bane Parrai í, quam confeliuses, fiuper meipfum filium Dci vivi, ædificabo Ecclefiam meam. Super me ædificabo te, non me 1-taper to ; De verbis Dom. Sum. r3. Upon this rock which thou hall confer%d, upon my 'elf the fon of the living God, I will build my church. I will build thee upon my felt, and not my felt on thee. And he more fly deda.eth his mind, Tra&. 504. in Johan. Ecelefia in hoc feculo diverliistentationibw, velutimbribus, fluminibus, tempef tatibufque quatitur, & non cadit; quoniam fundata eft fupra Parana ; undo & Petrus nomen acecpit. Non mini á Petro Petra. fed Penns à Petra; Peut non Chrifius á Chriftiano, fed Clurfliauus á Chrifto`votaran. Ideo quippe ait, Dominus, Super bane Petramædificabo Ecclefiam meam, quia dlxeratPetrus,T9i es Clrriftus, filiusDei vivi; fuper bane ergo (inquit) Parana quant confeßìts es, ædifieabo Ecclefiam meam. Petra claim Brat Chriftus, fupra quod fundamentum etiarn ipfeadificatus eft Petrus; fimdamentum quippc aliad nemo pad: ponere, prnter id quod pofìtum eft, quod eft Jefus Chrifius. The church in this world is fhaken with divers temptations, as with fhowers, floods and =wefts, yet fal- leth not, besaufe it is built on the rock (Petra) from whence Peter took his name. For the melt is not called Petra from Peter, but Peter is fo called fromPetra the rock; as Chrift is nor fb called from Chriftiau, but Chriftian from Chrift. Therefore laid the Lord, Upon this rock will I buildmy church, becaufc Peter had laid, Thou art Chria, the fonof the living God. Upon this rock, which thou (raft confcffcd, will I build nay church. For Chrift himfelf was the rock on which foundationPeter himfelf was built. For otherfoundation can no man lay, favo that which is laid, which is Jefus Chrift. Çhap. z. Againft this rock, this foundationof' the church, the psefon of CEO, and thefaith of the church concerning it, great oppofition bath been made by thegatesof hell. Not to mention the rage of the pagan world endea- vouring by all effetls of violence and cruelty to calf the church from this foundation ; all the herefies wherewith from the beginning, and for fame cen- turies ofyears enfuing it was pe'lered, conffledin direïl and immediateoppo- fitions

PR E B A C E. vll ' fitions unto the eternal truth concerning the perfonof Chriil. Some that arefo efteemed indeed, neverpretended unto any fobriety, but were rawer effects of delirant imaginations; yet dideven they alfa one way or other derive from an hatred unto the perfon of Chr f, and centred therein. Their beginning was early in the church, even before the writing of the go /el by John or his Re- velations, and indeed before fume of Paul's cpíftles. And although their be- ginning was but fmall, andfeemingly contemptible, yet being full of the poifon of the oldferpent, they diffitfed themfelves in various f apes andforms, un- til there was nothing left of Chrift, nothing that relatedunto him, not his na- tures, divine or humane, not their properties nor allings, not hisperfon, nor the union of his natures therein, that was not oppofd and affaulted by them. Efpeciallyfo foon as thegofiel hadfubd.uedthe Roman Empire unto Chrift, and was owned by the rulers of it, the whole world was for time ages :filled with uproars, confufion, and fcandalous diforders about the perfon of Chrifi, through the turfed oppofttions made thereunto by gates of hell. .Neither hadthe church any refs from theft conflitto for about five hundred years. But near that pe- riod of time, the power of truth and religion begining univerfaly to decay a- mong the outwardprof(fors of them, latan took advantage to make that ha- vock and defruEtion of the church, by fuperfition, faife worfhip, and pro- fanenefs of life, which hefailedof in his attempt againft the perfon of Chrift, or the Daeirine of truth concerning it. It wouldbe a tedious work, and it may be not ofmuch profit unto them who are utterly unacquainted with things Jo longpaf andgone, wherein thri f esn to have no concernment, togive afpecimen of the feveral heretics whereby es tempts weremade againfl this rock andfoundation of the church ; unto who have enquired into the records of antiquity, it would be altoget fe es. For atena/l everypage of them at frit view prefents the readers nh an ac- count offorce one or more of them. Yet do I efeem i e l z t the very ordinaryfort of chràfians fould at leaf in general be'acquainte with what pathpaled in thisgreatconteft about tliférfon of Ch%if from the beginning. For there are two things relating t&reunto, wherein their faith is gr,rtly concerned. For , there .W ice given therè n unto the truth of thole, prediElions of the fcrápturerwherein this fatal apofacy from the truth, and o petition unto the Lord Chr f, are foretold : findfeçondÿ, an cminent in- fiance of his power and faithfulnefs in the difappoirstment and cou nefl of the gates of hell, in the management of' this oppojition. But they liie e been all reckoned up, and dígefed into methods of time and matter, by many learned men of old, and of late ; fo that I fall not in this occefcnal dif courfe, reprefent them unto the reader again. Only I fhall give a brief ac- count of the ways and means whereby they who retained the profeon of the truth, contended for it unto a conquef over the pernicious herejes wherewith it was oppofed. The defence ofthe truthfrom the beginning, was left in charge unto, and managed by the guides and rulers of the church in their feveral capacities. find- by the feripture it was that they difcharged their duty, confirmedwith ápoftolical tradition confonant thereunto. This was left in charge unto them by the great apyîle, As xx, z8, z9, 30, 31, t Tim, vi t 3, i4. z Tim ii. i, 2, 13, 23, 314. chap. iv. t, z, 3, 4. Bidwhere/nasty of them faredin this duty, they were reprovedby aril/ himfe f Rev. ii. r4, i 3,zó. Nor ,Z ereprivate Believers in their places and capacities, either unable for this dnt7, or cr- empt from it, but d fcharged themfelves faithfully therein, accordi. :' o commandment given unto them, i ¡oh. ii zo, 27. chap iv. t z Viii. 9. All true believers in their feveral nations, by mute l watellSs..s kypreaching or writing, according unto their calls and abilities, r ç

viii P R E F AC E. u fd the outwardmeans or the prefervation and propagation of the faithof the church. And thefame means areHill foffecient unto the fame ends, were they attended unto with confeience and diligeriee. Thepretended defence of truth with arts and arms ofanother kind, bath been the bane ofreligion, and kfi the peace of chriftians beyond recovery. And it may be obferved, that whilfi this way alonefor the prefervationofthe truth was infifted onandper- fised; thataltho innumerable herefies arofe one after another, andfometimes many together, yet they never made anygreat progrefs, nor arrivedonto any Poch coni/tency, as to make a fated oppofition unto the truth, but the errors themfelves and their authors were as vagrant meteors, which appearedfor a little while, andvanifhed away. Afterwards it was not fo, when otherways and means for the fippreffon of herefies were judged convenient sod need- fail For in prace(s of time, when the power of the Roman empire gave coun- tenanceand proteílion untochriftian religion, another way wasfixed onfor this end, namely, theufe of fuch affembliesof bifhops and others as they called general councils, armed with a mixt power, partly civil, andpartly eceleft aftieal, with refpeél unto the authority of the empereurs, and thatjurifdilli- on in the churchwhich began then to be fie talkedof. This way was begun tin the council of Nice, wherein although there was a determination of the dotlrineconcerning the perfon of Chri then in agitation, and oppofed, as un- to his divine nature therein, according unto the truth, yetfundry evils and inconvenientiesen(ued thereon. For thenceforth the faith of chr/fans began eatly to be relayed into the authority of men, and as much, if not more, to be laid on what was decreed by the fathers there affembled, than on wha s clearly taught in the fcriptures. Befides, being neceffitated as they than et, to explain their conceptions of the divine nature of Chi-ill, in words oit"' n<tufé i the feripture, or wholefignifrcation unto that pupofe Was not de i mined therein, occefion was given unto endlefs contentions a- bout them. The Grecians themfelves could not fora long feafon agree among thernflees whether dux and úmtçumt were ofthefame fTnifitation or no, both o f theirs denoting offence andfubJtance ; or whether-they differed in theirfigni cation or if they did, wherein that difference lay. Athanafius at firfi affirmed them to be the fame, Orat. 5. con. Arian. and Epift. ad African. Bafil denied them fo tobe, or that they were ufed unto the famepurpofe in the council of Nice, Epift. 78. The like difference immediately fell out between the Grecians and,Latins, about Hypoftafis and Perfora. For theLatins rendred hypoftafs by Subftantia, and Perfona by sieges ray. HereofJeromcomplains in his epifile to Damafus, that they required of him in the tafl to confefs tres Hypoftafes, and he would only acknowledge tres Perfonas, Epift. 71. !Ind Anilingives an account of the fame difference, de Trinitate, lib. 5, cap. 8, 9. Athanafius endeavoured the compofing of this difference, and in a good meafure effekted it, as Gregory of Nazianzen affirms in his oration concerning his praife. It was done by him in a fynod at Alexandria in the firft year of Julian's Reign. On this occafron many contefis arofe even among them who allpleaded their adherence unto the dottrine of the council of Nice. And as the fnbtle Arians made incredible advantage hereof at fie, pretending that they oppofed not the Deity of Chrift, but only the ex/vegan of it bybl o6mGA ; fo afterwards they countenanced themfelves in coining words and terms to exprefs their minds with, which utterly rejelted it. Hence were their inoos'n , sr,ti l gv. tonel,, and the like names of blafphemy, about which thecontefts werefierce and endlefs. And there were yet farther evils that enfued hereon. Forthe curiousandferpentinewits of men, finding themfelves by this means let at liberry to think and difcourfe ofMofe my¡leries of the v bleffed i

P R E F S C E. blefled Trinity, and the perfon ofChrifl, without much regarduntoplain divn.e Teftimonies, in witch ways wherein cunning and fophfry didmuch bear fay, began to multiply fuch anew, curious.and fall notions about them, efpecially a- bout the latter, as couldnew difturbances, and theft of large extent and long continuance. For the itfupprefon, councils were called one on the neck ofano- ther, whereon commonlynewoccaftons ofdifferences didarife, andmatt ofthen; managedwithgreat fcandal unto chreian religion. 1-or men began much to forego theprimitive ways ofoppo/<ngerrors, and extingauifhing herefes, beta- king themf Ives unto their interefl, the numberof their party, and prevalent), with theprefint emperors. And although it fo fell out, as in that at Conftan- tinoplc, thefir/t at Ephcfus, and that at Chalcedon, that the Truthfor the Affiance ofit didprevail (for in many others ithappened quite otherwifi)yet did they alwaysgive :occa(ions unto new divif:ons, animojties, andeven mutu- alhatreds, among theprtncipal leaders of the ehriltianpeople. Andgreat con - tells there were amongfame of them whopretended to believe thefame Truth, whether fach or Each acouncil fhonld be received, that isplainly, whether the church fhould refblve itsfaith into their authority. The ftrifes ofthis nature about thefirft Ephefine council, and thatat Chalcedon ; not to mention them wherein the Arians prevailed, takeup agood part of the ecclefiaftical gory of thole days. And it cannot be denie but that fonic oftheprincipalperfon and affemblies who adhered unto the truth, didin the heat ofoppofition unto the he- relies ofother men, fall intonnju liftable excels themfeIves. We may take an Inftance hereof with refpetlunto the Neftorian bereft, con- :: Awned in the firft Ephefian council, and afterwards in that at Chalcedon. Cyrillus ofAlcxandria, a man learned and vehement, defngned by all means to be unto it Fat hispredecefor Athanafius had been to the Arian. But -intofish exceffes in his undertakings, as gave great aeration untofart er tu- _ mutts, for it is evidentthat he diftinguifheth not between uortçc n and pácrg and therefore. affirms, that the divine word and humanity :had pohu pú6m, one nature only. So he dothplainly in cpi1t. ad.Suceeftum; they are ignorant faith he,..E'-r1 ;ma' dTfit;aar Ici ,ecru pucis rl oáyo c¢capza e /ee. Hence Eutyches, the Archimandrite, teak occafon to runginto a contrary extreme, being a no left fierce enemy to Neforits tj nl"Cysillus was. For to oppofe him who divided the perfon of (brill into'two ; he confounded his natures into one, his deli- rantfilly being confirmed by that goodly afembly, thefecondat Ephefus. Be- fides, it is co-efefed that Cyrillus through the vehemency of his fpirit, ha- tred unto Neftorius, and following the condett7 of his own mind in nice and fubtle exprefons of the great myftery of theperform of Chrift, did utter many things exceeding the bounds of prefcrebed unto us by the apoftle, Rom. xii. 3. ifnot tholeoftruth it felf. Hence at is come topats that manglearn- ed men begin to think and write that Cyrillus was in the wrong, and Ne- 4orius by his means, condemned undefervedly. However it is certain to me, that the doctrine condemned at Ephefis and Chalcedon as the doctrine of Neforius, was deftrue'tive of the true perfonof Chrift ; and that Cyril,, tho' he miffed it in fundry exprefnons, yet aimed at the declaration and confirma- tion of the truth ; as he was longfine vindicated by Theorianus, dialog. con. Armenios. However, fuels was the watchful care of Chrs over the church as unto the prefervation-of thefacredfundamental truth, cóncerning his divine per- fón, and the union of his natures therein, retaining their diftintl properties and operations, that notwithflanding all the faltion and diforder that were in thofeprimitive councils, and fcandalous contefts of many of the members ofthen; notwithflanding the determination contrary unto it in great and numerous councils, thefaith of it was prefrved entire in the hearts of all that truly believed, and triumphedover thegates ofhell. e I have ix

X P R E F A C E . .1 have mentioned theftfew things which belong unto theprorrrife andpre' didions ofour bleffed Saviour, Mattlt xvi. IS. theplace inJi d on, to thew that the church without any diladvantage to the truth, may bepref'rvad without fuchgeneralaffemblies, which in the following ogcsproved the molt, pernicious engines for the corruption ofthe faith, w'arfw.p and manners of it. Teafrom the beginning they werefofar from being the only way ofpre- ferving truth, that it was almoe confantly prejudiced 6y the addition of their authority unto the confirmation of it. Nor was there any oneofthem wherein the my/tery of iniquity did rat work unto the laying of f me robbifh in the foundation of that fatal apq/facy, which afterwards openly enfued The Lord Chrill himfeibath taken it upon him, to build his church on this rock of his perfon, by truefaith of it and in it. hefends his holy f irit to bear tefimony unto him, in all the bleffedeffetls ofhis power and grace. He continuethhis word with thefaithfulminfry ofit, to reveal, declare, make known; and 'vindicate this facred truth unto the convitlion ofgain- foyers. He keeps up that faith in him, that love unto him, in the hearts of allhis elect, as fhall not be prevailed againft. Wherefore, although the oppofitions unto thisfacred truth, thisfundamental article of the church and chrfran religion, concerning his divneperfora itsconfrtution and a fe, as the humane nature conjayned fubjtantially unta it, andfubfifteth in it, are in this haf age entreateed; although they are managed under fogreat a variety of forms, as that they are not reducible to any heads of order; although they are promotedwith more fuktilty and fpeciauspretences than in formerages; yet if we are not wanting unto our duty, with the aids ofgracepropaf d unto us, we(hall finallytriumph in this caul?, and tranfmitthisfacredtruth to unto them thatfucceed us in the profe an ofit. Cha This perfora of Chr, which is the foundation whereon the church is alt, whereunto all forts of oppofztions are endeavoured and de- figned, is the mot ineffable effeli of divine gaadnefs and wifdom, whereof we treat in the nextplace. But-herein when I!peak of the conftitution of the perfora ofChrift, I intendnot hisperin abfolutely as he is the eternal fan ofGod. He was truly, realy, compleatfy a divine perfn from eternity, which is included in the notion of his being theSon, andfo dfinit from the Father, which is his compleat perfonality. His being fo was not ä vo- luntary contrivance or effeil ofdivine wifdam and goadncfs, his eternal ge neration being a necejjary internal all of the divine nature in the perfora of the Father. Ofthe eternal generation of the divine perfon ofthe San, thefiber wri- ters of. the ancient church, did con /lantly 'affirm that it was firmly to be believed, but as unto the manner ofit not to be enquired into. ScrutatorMaje- ítatis abforbetur à gloria, was their. rule. And the curious diffuses ofAlex- ander and Arius about it, gave accafion unto that many-headed marfter of the Arian herefy which afterwards enfued. For when once men of /hbtle heads, and rnfanelifaed hearts, gave up themfelves to enquire into things infinitely, above their underfanding and capacity, being vainly puffed up in their fefby minds, theyfell into endlefs diviftons among tbemflv,s, agreeing only unto an oppofition of the truth. But tbo//e'' who contented then f Ives to be wife untofobrtety, repreffed this impious boldnef. To thisprrpofe [Peaks LaEìan- tius, lib. e,.. de vera fapient. Quomodo igitut procrcavit? Nec feiri à quo_ quàtn poffunt, nec narraci opera divina, fed tarnen facrx litera docent ilium Dei (ilium,Dei elfe fermonem. How thereforedid theFather beget the Son? Theft divine works can be known ofnone, declared by none. But the holy writings teach wherein it is determined, that he is the Son of God, that he is the Word of God.. landAmbrofe de fide ad Gratirnum. Qui ro abs te, quando out quomodo putes filium elï`e gehecatutam ? Mi:ii eriins impof ibile eft fcire

P R E F A C E. X fàre geteratiónis fecretum. Mens deficit, vox filet, non mea tantum, fed & Augelorum ; fupra poteftates, fupra Angelos, fupra Cherubim, fupra fenfum, fupra omnem fenfum. Tu quoque manum on admove ; fcrutari non licet fu- perna myfteria. Licet kitequod natos fit, non lied difcutere quomodo natus fit 5 illud negare milli non licet, hoc quzeere mesas eft. Nam fi Paulus ea quas audivit, raptus in tertium ceelum, ineffabilia dicit, quomodonos éxprimere pollùmus paternæ generationis arcanum, quod nec fendre potuimus, nec audire? Quid te ifta Quæftionum tormenta deleítant ? I enquire ofyou, what and how the Son was begotten? Impoble it is to me to know the myfiery ofthis Ge- neration. illy mindfaikth, my voice is filent, and not only mine, but of the Angels ; it is above prinwipalities, above angels, above the cherubims, above the /2raphims, above all underfanding. Lay thy handon thy mouth; it is not lawful to fearch into thefe heavenly myfieries. It is lawful to know that he was born ; it is not lawful to determine how hewas born ; that it is not lawfulfor me to deny ; this I am afraid ta enquire into. Far if Paul, whenhe was taken into the third Heaven, affirms that the things which he heard could not be uttered, how can we exprefr the myfery of the divine Generation, wbich we can neither apprehend nor hear. Why do fuch tor- menting guettions delight thee? Ephraim Cyrus wrote a Book to thispurpofe, againfi them who would fearch out the nature of the Son of God. Among many other things to the fame purpofe are his words cap. ii. Infelix prefedto, mifer atque impudentiffimus eft, qui fcrutari cupir opificem fuum.. Millia millium, & centies nailliesmllle,na millia angelorum& archangelorum, cum horrore glorificant, & trernentes ado- rant ; & immines lutei, pleni peccatis, de divinitate intrepide differunt ? Non-iii forum exhorrcfcir corpus, non contremefcit animus; fed fecuri & garnli, de Chrifto Dci filio, qui pro me indigno peccatore pails eft, deque ipfius utragde gencratione loquuntur; nec faltem quod in luce cacutiunt,fentiunr. He is unhap- py, m f rabie, and molt impudent, who defer s to examine or fearch out his Maker. Thoufandsof thoulands, and of thoufands of millions of angels and archangels, do glorify himwithdrea ,and adore himwith trembling; and (hall men made ofClay dáf fins, dei pute of the deity without fear? Horror doth not flake thef bodies, their minds doth not tremble, but being fawn, andprating, they [peak ofthe Son ofGod, who fuferedfor me unwor- thyfirmer, andof both lis nativities orgenerations; at leaf[ they are notfen- fible how blind theyare in the light. To the fame purpofe fpeaks Eufebius at large, Démon. Evan. lib. v. cap. 2. Leo well adds hereunto the confideratiou of'his incarnation, in thofe excellent words, Serm. g. de Nativitat. Quia in Chrifto Jefu filio Dei, non folum ad Divinam effentiam, fed etiam ad humanam fpebtae naturam,quod dic- tum eft per Propltetam; Generationem ejus quis enarrabit? Utramque enim fublantiam in unam conveniffe perfonam, nifi fides credat, fermo non expli- cat; & ideo materia nunquam deficit Landis; quia nunquam fufficit copia Lau- datoris. Gaudeamus igitur quod ad eloquendum tantum mifericordia facra- mentum impares fumas & cum falutis noftrn altitudinem promete non valea- mus,fentiamus nobis bonum elfequod vincimur. Nemo enim ad cognitionem veritatis magis propinquat, quam qui intelligit, in rebus divinis, etiamli mut- turn proficiat, temper fini fuperetfe quod quasar. See alto Fulg. lib. ii. ad Thrafimund. But I(peak ofthe perfon of Chrift as unto the affumption a the fub/lan- tial adjunii of the humane nature not to be apart, whereofhis perron is compofed, but as unto itsftbf Rente therein, by virtue of afubflantial union. Some of the ancients, I confr, (peakfreely of the compofition oftheperfon of Chrift in andby the two natures, thedivine andhumane. That the Son of Gad after his incarnation, hadone nature compofed of the deity and huma- nity, was the herefyofApolinatius Eutyches, the Monothelites, or Monophy- fites,

XII PR E F ACE. fitcs, condemned by all But that his moltfrple divine nature, and the hu- mane compofed properly offoul and body, did compofi his o-smperfon, or that it was compofd of them, they co?ftantly affirmed: TZro Ooa ltea'rér 5 árBgd- .7tou, ,¿r rd5 wags aúyreigai ¢dikes ix 71 dç xaO' 3µ", iv9ównrlirn7T m?uínç Sxbaaç ,4r' r iösoP Tóyor, lÿ dx sit arpnabra. x On xzrì tb'mr ÿa, faith Cy= ;it ofAlexandria. A fandis Pauibus adunatione ex Divinitate & Humanitate Chtiftus Dominus Hoffer compofitus prxdicatur. Pet, Diacon: lib. de Incarnat. & Grat. Chrifti ad Fulgentiuni. And the union which they intendedby'this compofation they called ezesr es of r, becau/e it was of divers natures ; and ^Pmow ,c7) ow°rmv; an union by compofition; But becaufe there neither was, nor can be, any compofitionfo called, of the divine and humanenatures, and that the Son ofGod was a perfelí perfgn bfore his incarnation,wherein he remained-what he was, andwas mad what he was not ; the expregion bath beenforfaken and avoided ; the union being better t preffed by the al: fumption ofa fubJlantial adjunhl, or human nature into pe,lnal fubfaflence with the Son ofGod, as/hallbe afterward explained. this they corfiantiy admire as the the molt ineffable dill of divine wifdom andgrace ; 'p ...pa., a TÓy/, aaxUrrrat, Ó //+`¢r/ dóap- a`¢.rai, o arapiryç ¡rTa c sal, o a;ce9- 03. apxrra,, ó 4o; Ora 4., d¿Ofuau Thera., faith Gregory Nazianzen, Orat. iz. in admiration ofthis myJtery. Hereby God communicates all things unto us from his own glorious fulnefs, the near approaches whereof we are not able to bear. So is it rllulirated by Eufcbïus, demonft. Evang. lib. iv. cap. 5, &c. ëro 5 çwriç lOtis,u,Gla 1Ìy else[ 7reáGROOñ quia q, ry ró dcró xarras- yáCCa pav asegr, g,ciil ca l °a7.c?s, ¢v ó hsppczivH, waive, 5:4;Z>;t+ qurz,,x. T. -- -ci yu, ri, iv u^-h as Tfyls, nahmç cyvá_°p,, avréç sunny euñç #2e , alr c,O oí7rmç é?i yr0 ,r,Troeai tjro, ¿ibree aP t7rt Slit yñç //Alvaç al, i ;dçaeyr asdwrav 0.0A2im ios4aí Cmv loot, i r' xwv difuntasit ¢cféç vregrrigu ñ b`la¢ °a nootuérwv. The Pyle of which words, with fcme that follow in the fame place is unto this purpofe, By the beams of the fun, light, and lie, 'L andHeat, unto the procreation, fufteratation, refrejbment andcherifhing ofall things, arecommunicated. But if the fun itfelfJbould come down unto the the earth, nothing could bear its heat andAfire; our eyeswould not be en- lightened, but darkened by itsglory, and alll things behallowed up andconfis- med by itsgreatnefs; -whereas through the beams of it every thing is enligh-r` tened and kindly refrefhed So is it with this eternal beam or brightnfs ofthe Father'sglory. We cannot bear the immediate approachof thedizine being, but through him as incarnate, are all things communicatedunto us, in a way fuïted unto our reception and comprehenfron. So is it admired by Leo, Serm ;. de nativit. Natura Humana in Creatoris focietate,n affumpta efl, non ut illehabitator, & ills diet habitaculum ; fed ut noturx alterst fic mifceretut altera, ut quamvis- alia fit (lux fufcipitui, alia vero qux fufcepit, in tantam tarnen unitatem conveniret utriufq; divetfitas, &unus idemq; fit filius, qui fe, & fecundum quod vertu eft homo, Paire dick mino- rem, & fecundumquod verus eft Deus Patti fe profitstur zqualem. Humane nature is affumed into the fociety of the Creator, not that he Jbould .be the inhabitant, and that the habitation (that is, by 'an inhabitation in the effeels of hispower andgrace, for otherwife the fulnefs of the Godhead dwelt in him bodily) but that one nature fhould be fo mingled (that is conjoyncd) with the .other; that although that be of one kind which affumeth, and that ofa- nother which is affumed ; yet the diverfity ofthem both Jhould concur infilch an unity or union, as that it is one and the fame Son, who as he was a true man, faid that he was let's than the Father,' or the Father was greaterthan he; fo as hewas trueGod, profeffeth himfelf equal unto the Father. Seealto fluguJt. de fide ad Pet. Diacon. cap, 17. Juftinianus Imperator Epift. ad Hor- mifdam, Romas Epifcop. And

P R E F A C E. And the Myflery is well expreffed by Maxentius, Biblioth. Pate. par. prima. Non confundimus narurarana diverfitatem vcruntamen Chriftum non ut tu aliens Deum fa&um, fed Deum fa&um Cluiflum confitemur. Quia non cum pauper effet, dives fa&us eft, fed cum dives effet, pauper fa&us eft, ut nos divi- tesfaceret; ncq; enim cum cat in forma fervi, formai Dei accepit ; fed cunt effet in forma Dei, formai fervi accepit; fimiliter etiam nec, cum elles caro,. =bum eft fa&um; fed cum effet Verbum caro fa&um aft: Wedonot confound the diverfity of the natures, howbeit we believe not what you affirm, that Chrifl was made God, but we believe that God was made Chrid. For he was not made rich when he was poor ; but being rich, he was made poor, that ,he might make us rich. He did not take the formof God, when he was in the form of a frvant ; but being in the form of God, he took on him the form ofa frvant. In like manner, he was not made the Word when he wasflefb ; Inc being the Word, he was madeflefh. AndHicront (peaking of the effetis of this myflery, Comment. in Ezekiel, cap. 46. Ne miretur Lc&or fi idem & princeps elm & Sacerdos, Sr vifulus, & aries, & agnus ; cum in Scripturis San&is pro varictatc caufarum legamos cum Dominum, & Deum & hominem, & Prophetam, & virgam, & radicem, & florem, & prmcipem, Sr Regem natum, & Juftitiam, Apoftolum, Sc Epifco- pum, Brachium, Servum, Angelunt, Paftorem, Filium, & Unigenitum, & Pri- mogenitum, Ottium, Viam, Sagittam, Sapientiam, & multa aliá. Let not the Reader wonder if he find one and thefame to be the Prince and Pried, the Bullock, Ram and Lamb ; for in theferìpture on variety of caufes, we find him calledLord, God andMan,the Prophet, a Rod, andthe leoot, the Flower, Prince, Judge, andRighteous King ; Righteoufnefs, the Apoftle andBifhop, the Arm and Servant of God, the Angel, the Shepherd, the Son, the only begotten; thefirft begotten, the Door, the Way, the Arrow, Wfdom, and fundry other thin s. And Ennodius bath as it were turned the pafage of 'Hierom into ver e. Corda domat, qui cun&a vides, qucln cuneta trernifcunr ; Fons, via, dextra, lapis, vitulus Leo, lucifer, Agnus ; janua, fpes, virtus, verb; n fspjéntia, vacs; Oltia, virgultum, pallor; mons, rete, columba, Fiamma, gras, aquila, fponfus, patientia, nervus, Filius, excelfüs, Domino, Deus; omnia Chriftus, In natalem Papa Epiphanii. Quod homo eft, elfe Clarifias volait ; ut Sc homo polfit elfe, quod Chrilfus eft, faith Cyprian. de T'anitat. Jude. And, Quod eft Chriftus erimus Chri- ftiani, fi Chriftum fuerimus fecuti, ibid. And he explains his mind in this expreffon by wayofAdmiration, Serin. de Eleemofyn. Clarifiashominis filius effe volait, ut nos filios Dei faccret ; humiliavit fe, ut populism qui pries jace- bar, erigerer ; vulncratus eft, ut vulnera nitra fanarer. Chap. .. That he was the foundationof all theholy counfels of God, with re[pea unto the vocation, faníïification, juflifcation; and eternalfalvation of the church, is in the nextplaceat large declared. Andhe wasfo ona three- fold account. (r.) Of the ineffable mutual delight ofthe Father andthe Son in thole counfels from all eternity. (z.) As the only way and means of the accomplifhment of allcha e counfels, and the communication of their cleats unto the eternalglory of God. [3.) As he was in his own erfn as incar- nate, the idea and exemplar in the mind of God, of all that grace andglory in the church, wich was defigned unto it in thofe eternal counfels. As the taule ofallgood unto us, he is on this account acknowledgedby the Ancients. Obsi d

xiv P R E F A C E. OvTa wGv 6 b Xers iy Ti zfJ 'rdTx;;:veae v 7b' ' . NE6, Try@,,, b /ZiQ,, áNr¿m OiCs TE rÿ dv9ow- r© -, ávrdviav ß12,7v eth-vg, a°ryAeee, faith Clemens, Adliort. ad Gentes. !Ie therefore is the Ward, the exile of oldofour Being, for he was in God, and the caufeofour wellbeing. But now he hath appeared unto men, the fame eternal Word, who alone is both God and man, and unto us the taufe ofall that isgoód. As hewas in God the taufe ofour being and well-being from eternity, he was the foundation of the divine counfels in the way explained and in his incarnation, the execution of them all was committed unto hint, that through him all ativalgood, all the fruits_ of thofe counfels might be communicated unto us. Chap. C. He is alto declared in the next place, as he is the image and -great reprefentative of God, even the Father, unto the Church Cn what various accounts he isfo called, isfully declared in the difcourfe- it f In his divine perfon, as he was the only begotten. of the Father from eternity, he is the effential image of the Father, by the generation ofhis perfon, and the communication of the divine nature unto hire; therein. Ar he is inter. nate, he is both in his own entireperfon God andMan, and in the ádmini- flratíon of his office, the image or reprefentative of the nature and Will of God unto as, as is fullyproved. So (peaks Clem. Alexandrin. Admonit. ad Gentes; ñ b yS T'S Cvsé eiwv b 7eil7 j, durb. 6 ii; Tö is yvráaç, i Psi; Táyoç, pori5 lgyéTUCrov 05s, eixwv nP TSyu b lc&gr ma. The image of God is his own word, the natural Son of the (Eternal) Mind, the divine Word, the o- riginal Light of Light ; and the image of the Word is man. And the t,,,Author again Padagog. 7r25esswo Ts' ®;i b )4tt, sè eusrI pre.; b Oeáç xal pou- ss;W,1p. The Word is the face, the countenance, the reprefntatian ofGod, in whoinhe is brought to light and made known. As he is in his divine perfon his eternal effential image, fo in his incarnation, as the teacher of men, he is the,reprefenntative image ofGod unto the church, as is afterwards declared. Soalfo Hierom. expreffeth his mindherein, Comment. in Pfal. 66. Illuminet vultum fuum Riper nos ; Dei facies qua eft ? utigue Imago ejus. Dint enim Apoftolus imagincm Parriscire filium ; ergo imagihefua nos illuminer ; hoc eft, imaginera fuum filium illuminet fuper nos ; ut ipfe-nos illumina, lux enim Papis lux bib. eft. Let him calife his face to -(bine n/on us; or lift up tie light of his countenance upon us. What is the face ofGod? evenhis image. For the apoftlefais, that the Son is the image of the Father. Wherefore let him /bine on us with his image ; that is, caul his Son, which is his image, to ¡bons upon us, that he may illuminate us; for the light of the Father andof the -Son are thefame. Chr /ft being the image of God, the face' of God, in him,is God reprefented untous, and through him are all Paving be- nefits communicated unto.ihem that believe. Eufcbitts adio fpeaks often unto this purpofe; as Demon. Evangel. lib. q.. cap. a. `Ohio Hx;íruç aï ,Ipnepii SeoAcyiúTe;, Snhv yin Sao i9év ?btoyabme;v, 4i5 hr T2; limpfro nui èar;g.atbm bihcrT.. t/.Óvar io is.n fígpica i, f¡xew, 81 E ;cal Pile TE ludo xár TéyESu; aS wreÿç Ti arfarar a¡.co;weeceç ,z'o,;y Wherefore the holy oracles freaking theologically, or teaching divine things, do rightly call him God begotten (of the Father) as he who alone bears in himfelf the image of the inefable and inconceivable Deity. Wherefore he both is, and is called God, becatfe of his being the charalter, ftmilitude or image of him who is the fzbft. The divine perfonality ofChri/t confifls in this, That .the whole divine nature being communicatedunto hem by eter- nalgeneration, he is the image of Gad, even the Father, by whom he is re- prefentedunto ur. See the fame Book chap. 7. to the fame purpofe. Af DeEccieftaft. Theo]. contra Marcell. lib. a, cap. 17. Clemens