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of the PERSON Of CHRIST. 77 them brutifh, and guilty of a fecond apoftafy from Cod. And unto this principle, which is founded in the light of nature, there is countenance given by revelation alfo. For Enoch did prophefy of the things which were to accompany the accomplifhment of this promife, Judexv. And Noah wasapreacher of the righteoufnefs to be brought in by it, 2 Pet. ii. 5. as lie was anheir ofthe rigbteoufnefs winch is by faith, in himfelf, Heb. xi. 7. 6. All the promifes that God gave afterwards unto the church under the Old Teftament, before and after giving the law, all the covenants that he entered into with particular perfons, or the whole congregation of bebe- vers, were all of them declarations and confirmations of this tad promife, or the way offalvation by the mediation of his Son, becomingthe feed of the woman to break the head of the ferpent, and to work out the de- liverance of mankind. As mod of thefe promifes were exprefly concern- ing him, fo all of them in the counfel of God were confirmed in him, 2 Cor. i. 20. And as there are depths in the fcripture of the Old Tella- ment concerning him which we cannot fathom; and things innumerable fpoketi of him or in his perfon which we conceive not ; fo the principal defign of the whole is the declaration of himand his grace. And it is un- profitable unto them who are otherwife minded. Sundry promifes concer- ning temporal things were on various occafions fuperadded unto this great fpiritual promife of life and grace. And the enemies of the perfon, and mediation ofChrift, do contend that men are judified by their faith and .obedience,. with refpe& unto thofeparticular revelations, which were 'only concerning temporal things. But to fuppofe that all thofe revelations and promifes were not built upon, and refolved into, did not include in them the grace and mercy of this firlt promife, is to make them curfes inftead of bleffings, and deprivations of that grace which was. infinitelybetter than what on this fuppofition was contained in them. The truth is, theywere all additions unto it, and confirmations of it, not had any thing of fpiri- tuai good in them, but upon a fuppofition of it. In fome of them there was an ampliation of grace in the more full declaration of the nature of this promife; as well as an application unto their perfons unto whom they were made. Such was the promife made unto Abraham, which had a di- ned refped untoChrift as the ápoltle proverb, Gal. iii. and iv. y. Thofe who voluntarily through thecontempt of God and divine grace, fell off from the knowledge and faith of this promife, whether at once and by choice, or gradually through the love of fin, were inno better con- dition than thofe have been, or would be, who have fo fallen off; or fhould fo apoftatize from chriftian religion after its revelation and profeffion. And although this proved in procefs of time, bothbefore and after the flood, to be the condition of the generality of mankind ; yet it is in vain to feek after the means of falvation among them, who hadvoluntarily rejeded the onlywaywhich God had revealed and provided for that end. God there- on fu/fered all nations to walk in theirown ways, Ads xiv. r6. Winking at the times of their ignorance,not calling them to repentance, chap. xvii. 3o. Yea, he gavethem up to their own hearts lufls, and they walked in their own counfels, Pfal. lxxxi. 12. And nothing canbe more derogatory unto the wifdom and holinefs of God, than to imagin that he would grant other ways'offalvation unto them, who had rejeded that only one which he had provided, which was by faith in Chrift, as revealed in that firft pro- mife.- 8. From thefe confiderations, which are all of them unquellionable prin- ciples' of truth, two things are evident. (r.) That there was no way of the juftification and falvation of finners, U revealed