Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

P R T H E E F A C E. Tie agreatpromilk concernMgtheperfonofChrifl, as he woos to begiven onto the church, (for. he was a child born, a tongiven unto us, Ifa. ix. a.)that God would lay him in Zion for a foundation, a Bone, a trycd Bone, a precious corner Bone, a fore foundation, whereon he that believeth, (hall not make hafte, Ifa. xxviii. i p. let was it alfo foretold concerning him, that thisprecious foundation fhould be for a Bone of Bumbling, and for a rock of offence, to both the houfes of Ifraelo for a gin, and for a fnare unto the inhabitants of jerufalern. So as that many among them fhould Bumble and fall, and be broken, and be !hared, and be taken, Ifa. viii. t 4. 15. According unto thispromife andprediílion, it h th f o t inall ages of the church, as the apo/tle Peter declares concerning the r of them Wherefore (faith he) alto itwas contained in the fcripture, Behold I lay in Zion a chief comer clone, cieli and precious, and he that believethon him, lhall not be confounded. Unto you thereforewhich believe, he is precious s but unto them that aredifobedient, the Bone which the builders difallowed, the fame is made the head of the corner, and a Bone of Bumbling, and a rock of offence, even unto them that Bumble at the word, being difobedient, whereunto alto they were appointed, t Epi/ì. Chap.ii. 6, 8. Unto them that believe unto the /lying of the faul, he is, he always bath beenprecious ; the fen, the rock, the life, the breadof theirfords, every thing that is good, 2 feful, amiable, defzrable here or unto eternity. In, from, and by him, is all their fpiritual and eternal life, light, power, growth, confolati- im and joy here, with everlafting falvation hereafter. By him alone do they defere, expea and obtain deliverance from that woful apoflacy from God, which is accompanied withal, which containeth in it virtually and meritori- oufly, whatever is evil, noxious and deftrullive unto our nature, and which without relief will ii fue in eternal mifery. By him are they brought into the neareft cognation, alliance and friend¡hip with God, the firmeft union unto him, and themoll holy communionwitb him, that our finite natures arecapable of, andfo condoned unto the eternal enjoyment of him. For in him (hall all the feed of Ifrael be juftified, and Beall glory, Ifa. i 5. For Ifrael all