Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

iv. . P $ E F a c F. be fared in the Lord, with an everlafting falvation, they fhall not be afhamed nor confounded world without end, ver. 17. On theft and the like accounts, the principal. deign of their whole lives onto whom he is thusprecious; is to accquaint themflves with him, themyfltry of the wfdom, graceand love cf Gad, in his perfonand mediationas reveal- cdunto us in the feriptere, which is life eternal, John xvii. 3. to trufl in him, andunto hint, as unto all the everlafting concernments of their fools,. to love andhonour himwith all their hearts, to endeavour after conformity emtohim, in all thole charaílers of divinegoodnefs andholinfs; which are reprefented onto them in him. In theft things confefl the fail, life, power, beauty and efficacy 'of chrfian religion, without which, whatever outward ornaments may be put upon its exercii , it is but an oflefs, lifelefs carcafs. The whole of this defmn. is expreffed in theft heavenly words of the apofle, 151ül,`iii. 8, 9, ro. r r, i z. Yea doubtiefs, and I count all things but lofs, for theexcellency of theknowledge of Chat Jefus ray Lord; for whom I have fuffered the lofs of all things, and do count them but dung, that I might win Chrilt and be found n hint, not having mine own rithtcoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrilt, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. That I may know him, and the power of his xetrirreftion, and the fellowlhip of his fufferings, being made conformable unto his death ; if by any means I might attain unto the refurrcftion of the dead : Not as though F had already attained, either were already petfeEt ; but I follow after, if that I may apprehendthat for which I alto am apprehendedof Christ Jefus. This is a divineexpreon of thatframeof heart, of thatdefign which is predominant andefficacious in themUnto whomChef is precious. But on the other hand, according unto the forementionedprediElion, as he bath bbeen'a fore foundationunto all that believe ; fo he bath in like manner been afone offumbling, and rock of offence unto them thatfumble at the word, being difobedient, whereunto they alto were appointed. There is no- thing in him, nothing wherein he is concerned; nothing ofhim, his perfori, his natures, his office, his grace, his love, his pciver, his authority, his re- lation unto the church, but it bath been unto many a ¡loneoffumbling, and rock of offence. Concerning th,fe things have been all the wefryl coretefts, which have fallen out and been managed among thofe that outward- ly. havemade profeffon of the chr f ian religion. And the contentions about them de rather increafe than abate, unto this very day ; the difmal fruits whereof the, worldgroanethunder, and is no longer able to bear. For as the oppofitionunto the Lord Chri /t in theft thingsby men ofperverfeminds, hach ruined their own fouls, as having deified" themfelues in pieces again_ this everlafing rock ; fa in conjunilionwith others loftsand interefs of the carnal minds of men, it teach flied the world'itfelf with bloodand confu/ron.. The re-enthroning of theperfora, fpirit, grace and authority of Chrif.ire the hearts and confciences of men, is theonly way whereby an end maybeput unto theft woful confiils. But this is not to be expelled in any degree ofper- fetlion amongfi them who mble at thisfane of offence, whereunto they are appointed, though in the iffue he willherein alto fend forth judgment un- to vülory, andall the meek of the earth _hallfollow after it. In themean time, as thofe unto whom he is thus a rock of offence, in hisperfora, hisfpi- rit, his grace, his office and authority, are diligent and reflefs in their vari- ous ways and forms, in l fifer br higher degrees, in fecret artifices, or open contradiltions unto anyor allof them, under variouspretences, andfór divers ends, even fecular advantages fame of them, which the craft iffatanbath preparedfor the eoifnaring of them, an all ways of oppofition unto hisglory; fo it is the highe/ftt duty of them unto whomhe ifprecious,. whofe principal defign w to befoundbuilt on him ae the lure foundation ; as to hold the truth ton-