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of the PERSON Of CHRIST. I17 his fufferings from God and men, the bleffed efficacious workings of his faith and null in God unto the uttermoft, with theglorious Efate of the whole, and the influence of all thefe confiderations unto the confolation and fupportment of the church, would take up more room and time, than what is allotted unto the whole of that, whereof it is here the leafs part. I fhall leave the whole under the fhade of that bleffed protnife, Iffo be that we Her with him, we fall alfo be glorified together; for I reckon that the firUerings of' this prefent time, are not to be compared with the glory that(hall be revealed in 71S, Rom. viii. 17, 18. The laft thing propofed concerning the perfon of Chrift, was the ufe of it unto believers, in the whole of their relation unto God and duty towards him. And the things belonging thereunto may be reduced un- to thefe general heads. (t.) Theirfanftification, which confifteth in thefe four things: r.) The mortification of fin. 2.) The gradual renovation of our natures. 3.) Af- fiftances in actual obedience. 4.) The fame in temptationsand trials. (a.) Their jullification with its concomitants and confequents. As s.) adoption. 2.) Peace. 3.) Confolation and joy in life and death. 4.) Spi- ritual gifts unto the edification of themfelves and others. 5.) A bleffed re- furreétion. 6.) Eternal glory. 'There are other things which alfo belong hereunto. As their guid- ance in the courfe of their converfation in this world ; direftion unto ufe- fulnefs in all ftates and conditions; patient waiting for the accomplifh- meat of God's promifes to the church; the communication of forderal bletiings unto their families; and the exercife of loving kindnefs towards mankind in general; with fundry otherconcernments of the lifeof faithof the like importance; but theymay be all reduced unto the general heads propofed. What fhould have been fpoken with reference unto thefe things belongs unto thefe three heads. (t. A declaration that all there things are wrought in, and communi- cated unto believers according to their various natures by an emanation ofgrace and power from the perfon of Jefus Chrift, as the head of the church, as he who is exalted and made a prince and a Saviour, to give re- pentance and the forgivenefs of fins. (.e. A declaration of the way and manner how believers do live upon Cilrifl in the exercife of faith, whereby according to the protnife and ap- pointment ofGod, they derive from him the whole grace and mercy where- of in this world they are made partakers, and are eftablifhed in the ex- pedation of what they fhall receive hereafter by his power. And that two thingsdo henceenfue. Fitff,'Tlhe neceflity ofuniverfal evangelical obe- dience, feeing it is only in and by the duties of it, that faith is orcan bekept in a due exercife unto the ends mentioned. Secondly, That believers do here- by encreafe continually with the encreafe of God, and grow up into him who is the ]head, until they become the fulnefs of him who filleth all in all. (3. A convi&ion that a real interelt in, and participation of theferisings, cannot be obtained any other way, but by the afual exercife of faith on the perfon ofJefus Chrift. Thefe things were neceffary to be handled at large with reference un- to the end propofed. But for fundry reafons the whole of this labour is here declined. For force of the particulars mentioned, I have already in- filled on in other difcourfes theretofore publifhed, and that with refpeft unto the end here defigned. And this argument cannot be handled as it dothdeferve unto full fatisfaétion without an entire difcourfe concerning the life of faith, which my prefent delign will not admit of. G CHAP.