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146 c.f1 Declaration of the Glorious MYSTERY But all this infinite wifdom hath provided for in the great myfiery o Godlinefs, God manifefi in the 34 God herein makes his only Son the heir of all tbinyc, and vells the whole inheritance abfolutely in him. For thePromife, which is the court-roll ofheaven, the only external means and record of its conveyance, was originally made unto Chrift only. God laid not, Andunto thy feeds, se .ofmany, but as of one, and to thy feed, whichfeed isGbrifi, Gab iii. 16. Andwe become again heirs of God, only as we are joynt-heirs with Chritt, Rom. viii. 17. that is, by being taken in- to a participation of that inheritance which is vetted in him alone. For many may be partakers of the benefits of that, whofe right and title is in one alone, when it is conveyed unto him for their ufe. Andhereby the ends before mentioned are fully provided for. For, t. He who is thus made the heir of all is meet to be entrufted with the gloryof it. For where this grant is folemnly expreffed, it is declared that he is the brigbtnefs of the Father's glory, and the exprefs image ofhis perfon, Heb. i. 2, 3. And that by him the worlds were made. He alone wag meet to be this heir, who is partaker of the divine nature, and by whom all things were created. For fuch things belong unto it, as cannot apper- tain unto any other. The reader may confult if he pleafe our expofition of that place of the apoftle. (2. Anyfailure in his own perfon was abfolutely impoffble. The fubliif- tenceofthe humane nature in theperfonof theSonofGod, rendred the lead: fin utterly impof iible unto him. For all themoral operations ofthat nature are theads oftheperfon of the Son ofGod. And hereby not only is the in- heritance fecured, but alfo an affurance that it is fo, is given unto all them thatdo believe. This is'the life and foul ofall gofpel comforts, that thewhole inheritance ofgrace and glory is vetted in Chrift, where it can never fuller lofs or dammage. When we are fenfible of the want ofgrace, fhould we go untoGod, andfay, Father, giveus theportion ofgoodsthatfallsunto us, as the prodigal did,we fhould quickly confume it,and bring our felves unto the ut- moftmifery as he did alfo. But in Chrift the whole inheritance is fecured for evermore. (3. He is able topreferve all thofe who faall be bei:s of this inheritance, that theyforfeit not their own perfonal intereft therein, according unto the terms ofthe covenant, whereby it is made over to them. He can and will by the power of his grace preferve them all unto the full enjoyment of the purchafed inheritance. We hold our title by the rod, at the will of theLord. And many failures we are liable unto whereon we are in mi- fericordia Domini, and are fubjed unto atnercement. But et the whole inheritance being granted unto Chrift, is eternally fecured for us, and we are by his grace preferved from fuch offences amnia the fupream Lord, or committing any fuch wafts, as should caft us out ofour poffeffion. See Pfai.lxxxix. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. Thus in all things infinite wifdom hash provided, that no fecond forfeiture thould be made of the inheritance of grace and glory, wfiich as it would have been eternally ruinous unto mankind, fo it was inconfiftent with the glory and honour of God. 8. The wifdom of God was glorioufly exalted in the righteous deftru&i- on offatan and his intereft, by the incarnation and mediation of the Son ofGod. He had prevailed againft the firft way of the manifeftation of divine glory i and therein both pleafedand prided himfelf. Nothing could ever give fuch f tisfadion unto the malicious murderer, as the breach he had occafioned between God and man, with lus Hopes and apprehenfions that it would be eternal. He had no other thoughts, but, that the whole, race of mankind which God had defigned unto the enjoyment of himfelf, Should be everlaftingly ruined. So he had fatisfied his envy againft man in