Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

I 50 t,í1 Declaration of the GIoYZo3GJ Myst ERY perfon ofthe Son. What is farther mull be referred tintoanother world: Thefe are force few of thofe things wherein the infinite wifdom of God in this holy contrivance giveth forth force rays of it feif into enlight. erred minds, and truly humbled fouls. But how little a portion of it is heard by us? How weak, how low are our conceptions about it? We can- not herein find out the almighty unto perfection. No fatali part of the glory of heaven will confia in that comprehenfion which we (hall have of the myftery of the wifdom, love and grace ofGod herein. Howbeit we are with all diligence to enquire into itwhilft we are here in the way. It is the very centre of all glorious evangelical truth; not one of them can beunderftood, believed, or improved as they ought, without a due com- prehenfion of their relation hereunto; as we have chewed before. This is that which the prophets of old enquired into and after with all di- ligence, even the myftery of God maxi et in the liefh, with the glory that enfued thereon, r Pet.i. rr. Yet had they not that light to difcern it by, which we have. The leafl in the Kingdom ofGod, as to the knowledge of this myfterymaybe above the greater of them. And ought we not to fear left our floth under the beams of the Sun fhould be condemned by their diligence in the twilight? This the angels bow down to look into, al- though their concerns therein were not equal to ours. But angels are angels, and prophets were prophets; we are a generation of poor fia- fail men, who are little concerned in the glory of Godor our own duty. Is it not much to be lamented that many chrifbáns content themfelves with a very fuperficiary knowledgeof thefe things? How are the flitches, the abilities, the time and diligence of manyexcellent perfons engaged in, and laid out about the works of nature, and the effects of divine wifdom and power in them, by whom any endeavour to enquire into this glorious my- ftery is neglected; if not defpifed? Alas, the light of divine wifdom in the greaten works of nature, holds not theproportion of the meaner flat unto the fun in its fullfftrength, unto thatglory of it whichalines inthis myftery ofGod manifen in the hefb, and the work accomplifhed thereby. A lit- tle time hall put an end unto the whole fttbject of their enquiries, with all the concernment of God and man in them forevermore. This alone is that which fills up eternity, and which although itbe nowwith Tome asnothing, yet it will fhortly be all. Is it not much more to be lamented, that many who are called chriftians do even defpife thefe inyfteries? Someoppofe them directly with pernicious herches about the perfon of Chrit, denying his divine nature, or the perfonal union of his two natures, whereby the whole myftery of infinite wifdom is evacuated and rejected. And fome there are who though they do not deny the truth ofthis myftery, yet they both defpife and reproach fuck as with any diligence endeavour to enquire into it. I thall add the words ufed on a like occafion unto %Item who fin- cerely believethe myteries of the gofpel. But ye, beloved building upyour felt in your mo/l holyfaith, praying in the Hoy Gbofl, keepyourfelver in ehe love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jeftra Chaff, u?itp erem+ial life. And the due contemplation of this myftery will certainly be attended with many fpiritual advantages. I.) it will bring in tedfaltnefs in believing as unto the efpecial concerns (if our own fouls ; fo as to give unto God theglory that is his due thereon. This is the work, thefe are the ends of faith Rom. v. r, a, 3, 4, S. We fee how many chriftians who are fincere believers, yet fluduate in their minds withgreater uncertainties as unto their own fiate and condition. The principal reafonofit, is becaufe they are unskilful in the wordof righteouf- nef?,