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I 52 c/i Déclaration ofthe Glorious MYSTERY #0000;äz00a+*0000.1ta/01,izzls;:tf***00a0e a9.3.000000 .-."s+3 NAAANAPAA:4N 00100000000000410000r*00000f3:014<0e000O*0000 C H A P. XVIII. TheNature ofthe Perin of CHRIST, and the Hy- pffatical Union of his Natures declared. H E nature or conftitution of the perfon of Chrift hath been commonly spoken unto, and treated of in the writings both of the entiene and modern divines. It is not my purpofe in this difcourfe tohandle any thing thathath beenfo fullyalready declared by others. Howbeit to fpeak fomething of it in this place, isneceffary unto the prefent work g and 1 fhall do it in anfwer unto a double end or defign. Firft, To help thofe that believe, in the regulation of their thoughts about this divine perfon, fo far as the fcripture goeth beforeus. It is of great importance unto our fouls, that we have right conceptions concer- ning him; not only in general, and in oppofition unto the pernicious he- refies of them by whom his divine perfon, or either of his natures are de- nied, but alto in thofe efpecial inftances wherein it is the moft ineffable effeft of divine wifdom and grace. For although the knowledge of him mentioned in the gofpel, be not confined meetly unto his perfon in the conftitution thereof, but extends it Pelfunto the whole work of his media- tion, with the defign of God's love and grace therein, and our own duty thereon; yet is this knowledge of his perfon the foundation of all the refl, wherein if we miftake or fail, our whole building in the other parts of the knowledge ofhim will fall unto the ground. And although the fa- ving knowledge of him is, not to be obtained without efpecial divine revelation, Mattb. xvi. 17. or faving illumination, Y John. v. so. nor can we know him perfeftly, until we come where he is, to behold his glory, r John xvii. 24. yet are inftruftions from the fcripture of ufe to leadus into thofe farther degrees of the knowledge of him, which are at- tainable in this life. Secondly, To manifeft in particularhow ineffably diftin& the relation between the Son of God and theman ChriftJefus, is, from all that relation and union which may be between Godand believers, or between God and any other creature. The want of a true underftanding hereof, is the fundamental errour of many in our days. We (hall manifeft thereupon how it pleated the Father that in him Jheuld allJidnefr dwell, fo that in all things be might bave the preeminence, Col. i. 18, 19. And I (hall herein wholly avoid the curious enquiries, bold conjeftures, andunwarrant- able determinations of the Schoolmen and fume others. For many of them deigning to explicate this myftery, byexceeding the bounds of fcripture li&ht and facred fobriety, have obfcured it. Endeavouring to render all things plain unto reafon, they have expreffed many things unfound as unto