Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

i 66 LADeclaration ofthe Glorious My s T RRx cipal flower of his imperial crown, and facrilegioufly attempt to adorn others with it, which they abhor. 4.) The glory that God defìgned to accomplifn in and by hint, is now made evident unto all the holy ones that are about the throne. The great defign of the wifdom and grace of God from eternity, was to declare and =unfelt all the holy glorious properties of his nature, in and by Jefus Chrift. And this is that wherein he will acquiefce, with which he is well, pleated. When this is fullyaccompliflied, he will oft no other way or ineang for themanifeftation of his glory. Herein is the end and bleffednefs of all. Wherefore the principal work of faith whilft we are in this world, is to behold this glory of God, as fo reprefented unto us in Chrift. In the exercife of faith herein, is our conformity unto him carried onunto per- fedion, 2 Cor. iii. 18. And unto this end, or that we may do fo, he powerfully communicates unto our minds a faving internal light, without which we canneither beholdhis glory, nor give glory unto him. Hewho commanded light to flame out of darknefs, Trines into our hearts togive us the light of the knowledgeof his glory in theface ofJefus Chrifì, 2 Cor. iv. 6. The end I fay why God communicates a fpiritual fupernatural light unto the minds ofbelievers, is that they may be able to difcern the ma- nifeftation and revelation of his glory in Chrift ; which is hid from the, world, Ephef. i. 17, 18, 19. Col. ii. 2. Howbeit, whilft we are here, we fee it but darkly as in a glafs ; it is not evident unto us in its own lufter and beauty. Yea the remainder of our darknefs herein, is the caufe of all ourweaknefs, fears and difconfolations. Want of a fteady view of this glory of God, is that which expofeth as unto impreffions from all our temptations. And the light ofour minds therein, is that whereby we are changed and transformed into the likenefs of Chrift. But in heaven this is confpicuoufly and glorioufly manifeft unto all the bleffed ones that are before the throneof God. Theydo not behold it by faith in various degrees of light, as we do here below. Theyhave not apprehenfions of fume imprefììons of divine glory on the perfon of Chrift and the humane nature therein, with the work which he did perform, which is the utmoft ofour attainment. But they beholdopenly and plain. ly the whole glory of God, all the charaders of it, illuftrioully ma- nifefting themfelves in him, in what he is, in what he halt done, in what he cloth. Divine wifdom, grace, goodnefs, love, power, do all Thine forth in him unto the contemplation of all his faints, in whom he is admired. And in the vifion hereof confifts no fmall part of our eternal bleffednefs. For what can be inure fatisfadory, more full ofglory unto the fouls ofbelievers, than clearly to comprehend the my- fiery of the wifdom, grace, and love of God in Chrift ? This is that which the prophets at a great diftance enquired diligently into; that which the angels bow down to look towards; that whole declaration is the life and gloryof the gofpel. To behold in oneview the reality, the fubftance of all that was typified-and reprefented by the beautifulfabrickof the tabernacle and temple which fucceeded in the room thereof; ofall the utenfils of them, and fervices performed in them ; all that the promifes of the Old Teftament did contain, or the declarations of the New; as it is the moil fatisfadory blelfed and glorious fiate that by the prefent light of faith we can delire or long for, fo it evidenceth a glory in Chrift of another kind and nature, than what any creature can be participant in. I (hall therefore Rate it unto our confideration with fome few obfervations concerning it. (1. Every believer feeth here in this life, an excellency, a glory in the myftery of God in Chrift. They do fo invarious degrees, unlefs it be in times