Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

l8 2 LA 'Declaration 9f the Glorious Mr s TE R r pleafure of his will. Wherefore that which he chufeth to manifeft his glory in and by at one time, he may ceafe from wing it unte that end at another. For its being a means of the maniteltatìon of his glory, may depend on filch circumftances, fuck a Itate of things, which being removed, it ceafeth to be. So of old he manifefted and reprefented his glory in the tabernacle and temple, and the holy pledges of his prefence in them, and was glorified in all the worfhip of the law. But now he ceafeth fo to do, nor is any more honour- ed by the fervices and ceremonies of religion thereinprefcrihed. If the whole ftru&ure of the temple and all its beautiful fervices, were now in being on the earth, no glory would redound unto God thereby, he would recieve none from it. To expe& the gloryofGod in themwould be an high difhonour unto him. And God may at any time begin to manifeft his glory, .by fuch ways and means as he did not formerly make ufe of unto that purpofe. So is it with all gofpel ordinances which fine will be continued unto the confummation of all things here below, and no longer, for then Ihaltthey all ceafe, God will be no more glorified in them or by them. So bath God chofen to glorify liinifelf in heavenby this ad- miniftration ofall things in and by Jefus Chrift, whereunto alb there is an end determined. And in the continuation of this holy worfhip in the fan&uary above, Cod doth manifeft his glory on many accounts, and refteth therein. i.) He lothit in and unto the faints who departed this life under the Old Teftament. They carne fhort in glory of what they now enter into, who die in the faith of our Lord Jefas Chrift. For not to difpute about, nor determine pofitively, what was their hate and condition before the afcenfìon of Chrift into heaven, or what was thenature of thebleffed recep- tacle of their fouls; it is manifeftthat theydid not, they could not behold the glory ofGod, and the accomplifliment of the myftery of his wifdom and will, in Jefus Chrift, nor was it pettedly made known unto them. Whatever was their reft, refrefhment and bleffednefs; whatever were their enjoyments of the pretence of God ; yet was there no throne ofgrace ere &ed in heaven, no high prieft appearing before it; no lamb as it had been (lain, no joynt afcription of glory unto him that fits on the throne and the lamb for ever God havingg ordained fame better thingsfor us that they without us 'hod] not be inàde perfeEa, See Ephef. iii. 9, ic. This was that, and this was that alone, fo far as in the fcripture it is revealed, wherein they came fhort of that glorywhich is now enjoyedin heaven. And herein confifs the advantage of the faints above them, who now die in faith. Their hate in heaven was fúited unto their faith and worfhip on the earth. They had no clear diftin& knowledge of the incarnation and mediatory office of Chrift, by their revelations and fervices. Only, they believed that the promife of deliverance, grace and mercy, fhould be in and by him accomplifhed. Their reception into heaven, that which they were made meet and prepared for by their faith and worfhip, was fuited thereunto. They had a bleffed reft and happinefs above what we can comprehend ; for who knows what it is to be in the glorious pretence of God, though at the greateft diftance? They werenot immediately fur- prized with an appearance of that glory, which they had no diftin& ap- prehenfions of in this world. Neither they northe angels knew clearlyeither the fufferings ofChrift, or the glory that fhould enfue. But they taw and knew that there was yet fomething farther to bedone in heaven and earth, as yet hid in God and the counfels of his will, for the exaltation of his glory in the compleat falvation of thechurch. Thisthey continued waiting for