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I 86 efl Declaration ofthe Glorious My s iE xy their ability in fervice be not likeunto his. For neither had he any thing but what he received. Again, they have the enjoyment of Chrift in the ordinances of gofpel worfhip. By thefemeans do they live, in thefe things is the life of their fouls. In this ftate ofthings God will not call them hence unto their lofs ; he will not put an end unto thefe privileges without an abundant rccompence and advantage. Whatever we enjoy here, yet 4ìll to depart hence and to be with Chrifi (hall be far better, Phil. i. 23. For, r.) Although fervice here below (hall ceafe, and be given over untoother hands who are to have their !hare herein; yet on the continance of this Rate of thingsin heaven, there is altoa continuation of fervice unto Chrift, in a away inexpreflibly more glorious, than what we are in this life capa- ble of. Upon their admittance into this Rate of things above, they are before the throne of God, and ferve him day and night in his temple, and he that fitteth on the throne !hall dwell among them, Rev. vii . 05. The whole ftate of the glorious worthip of God before defcribed, is here ref- pnted ; and herein is a continual fervice performed unto him that fits on the throne and unto the lamb. Wherefore it is fo far from being lofs, in being called off from fervice here below, as that in point offervice it Pelf it is an inconceiveable advancement. z.) The enjoyment of Chrift in andby the - ordinances of his woríhip, is the immediate fountain and fpring of all our refrefhments and confo- lations in this world, Pfal. lxxxvü. 7. But what is it unto the bleffed immediate enjoyment of him in heaven? Hence the bleffednefs of the flats above is defcribed, by being with Chrift, being with Chrift for ever, in the prefence and immediate enjoyment of him. The light of the Oars is ufeful and relieving in a dark night as we are on our way, but what are they when the fun arifeth? Will any man think it a lofs that upon the rifing of the fun they (hall not enjoy their light any more, though in the night they knew not what to have donewithout it ? It may be we cannot conceive how it will be heft for us, to forego the ufe offacraments, mini- ftry and the fcripture it felf. But all the virtue of the ftreams is in the fountain ; and the immediate enjoyment of Chrift unfpeakably exceeds whatever by any means we can be made partakers of herebelow. In this blefted Hate have the holy apoflles, all the primitive martyrs and believers from the time of their difl'olutton, enjoyed full fatisfa&ion and folate; in the glorious affemblyabove, Rev. vii. 15, id, 17. &c. (a.) Hereby there is a continuation of communion between the church triumphant above, and that yet militant here below. That there is filch a communion between glorified faints and believers in this world, is an article of faith. Both focieties are but one church, one in (tical body, have one head, and a mutual concernment in each other. Yea the fpring and means of the communion is no finals part of the glory of the gofpel. For before the faints under the Old Teftamënt had the myftery of theglory of God inChrift with our redemption thereby revealed untothem, in the way before declared; this communion was very obfcure; but we are now taken into the light and glory of it, as the apofle declares, Heb. xii. az, 93, 24. I know Tome have perverted the notions of this communion unto Idolatrous .fuperftition; and fo have all other truths of the gofpel been abufed, and refted unto the deitru&ion of the fouls of men ; all the fcriptures have been fo dealt withal. a Pet. iii. 16. But they deceived themfelves in this matter, the truth deceiveth none. Upon a fuppofition of communion, they gathered that there mull of neceflity bean immediate co nnunitation between them above and us below. And iffo, they knew no