of the PERsox of CHRIST. 187 no way for it, no means of it, trot by our praying unto them, and their praying for us. But they were under the power of their own deceivings. Communion doth not require immediate mutual communication, uniefs it be among perfons in the fame hate, and that in fuch ads as wherein they are mutually affrfting and helpful unto another. But our different ftatte, will admit of no fuch entercourfe, nor do we ftand in need of any relief from them, or can be helped by any ads of their love, as we mayaid and help one another here below. Wherefore the center of this communion is in Chrift alone, and our exercifeof it is upon him only, with refped unto them. Yet hereon fome deny that there is any fuels communion between the members of the church, or the myftical body of Chrift in there divers ítates. And they fuppofe it is fo declared in that of the prophet, Ifa. lxîii. i6. Doubtlefr, thouart our Farber, though Abraham be ignorant ofus, and Ifrael acknowledge us not. But there is nothing of any fuch importance in thefe words. The church under a deep fenfe of its prefent ftate, in its unworthywalking and multiplied provocations, profefs themfelves to be fuch, as that their fore fathers in covenant could not own them as their children and pofterity in the faith. Hereuponthey appeal unto the infinitemercy and faithfulnefs of God, which extend themfelves even unto that condition of unworthinefs, which was enough to render themutterly difowne4 by the belt ofmen, however otherwife concerned in them. But to fuppofe to church above which bath paffed through its courfe offaith and obedience in aflli- Ilions, tribulations and perfecutions to be ignorant of the ftateofthe church here below in general, and unconcerned in it to be without defiles of its fuccefs, deliverance and profperity unto the glory ofChrift, is to lay them afleep ina fenfelefs flaw without theexercife ofany grace, or any intereftin the gloryof God. And if theycry for vengeance on the obdurate perfecuting world, Rev. vi. le. fhall we fuppofe theyhave no confideration nor knowledge ofthe ftate of the church fufFermg the fame things which did they themfelves. And to put it out of queftion, they are minded of it in the iìext verfe by Chrift himfelf, v. n. But that which at prefent I alone intend, is the joynt communion of the whole church in the worfhip of God in Chrift. Were all that die in the Lord, immediatelyreceived into that ftate wherein God fhall be all in all, without any ufe of the mediation ofChrift, or the worthip ofpraife and Ironour given unto God by him, without being exercifed in the afcription of honour, glory power and dominion unto him on the account of the part and prefent difehargeof his office, therecould be no communion between them and us. But whiff} they are in the fanduary, in the temple of God, in the holy worlhip of Chrift and ófGod in him, and we are not onlyem- ployed in the fame work in facred ordinances fuited unto our fiate and con- dition, but in the performance of our duties, do by faith enter in within the vail, and approach unto the fame throne of Grace in the inoft holy place, there isa fptrttuai communion between them and as. So theapoftle expreffeth it, Heb. xii. 22, 23,24. (e.) It is in the way that Godhath appointed to prepare the holy fouls above for the enjoyment of that eternal flare which fhall enfue at the end of all things. As we are here in andby theword andother ordinances pre- pared and made meet for the prefent Rate of things in glory i fo are they by the templeworfhip of heaven fitted for that ftate of things, when Chrift fhall give up the kingdom unto the Father, that God may be all is all. (4.) Refired is had herein unto the faith of the church yet militant on the earth, and that among others in two things. r.) For