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88 v4 'Declaration t f the Glor2ouJ MYSTERY' t.) For theencouragement of their faith. God couldas we have obferved, upon the fuppofition of the attonement and reconciliation madeby the blood of Chrift, have faced the church by meet fovereign ads of power. But whereas it was unto his glory that we Ihould be faced in the way of faith and obedience, this way .was neceffary unto our encouragement therein. For it is in the nature of faith, it is a grace fuited unto that end, to feek for and receive aid, help and relief, from God continually, to enable us unto obedience. For this end the Lord Chrift continueth in the difcharge of his office, whereby he is able tofave usunto the uttermofi, that we may receive fuch fupplies by and from him. The continual ufe that faithmakes of Chrift unto this purpofe, as he glorioufly exercifeth his mediatory office and power in heaven, cannot be fully declared. Neither can any be-. liever who is ailed by prefent gofpel light and grace, conceive how the life offaith can be lead or preferved without it. No duties are we called unto, no temptations are we exercifèd withal, no fufferings do we under- go, no difficulties, dangers, fears, have we to conflict withal, nothing is there in life or death, wherein, the glory of God or our own fpiritual wel- fare is concerned, but faith finds and takes reliefe and encouragement, in the prefent mediatory life and power of Chrift in heaven, with the exercife ofhis love, care and compaflion therein. So he propofeth himfelf unto our faith, Rev. i. i7, t8. s.) That"our faith may be guided and directed in all our acceffes unto God in 1 is holy worhip. Were nothingpropofed unto us but the immen- fityof the divine effence, we Mould not know how to snake our approaches unto it. And thence it is that thofe who are unacquainted with the gloryof this difpenfation, who knownot now how to snake ufe of Chrift in his prefent fiare foran accefs unto God, are always inventing waysof their own (as by faints, angels, Images) for that end; for an immediate accefs unto the divine effence they cannot fancy. Wherefore to end this dif- courfe in one word; all the prefent faith and worfhip ofGod in the church here on earth, all accefs unto him for grace, and all acceptable afcrip- tions ofglory unto his divine majefiy, do all of them in their being and exercife, wholly depend on, and are refolved into the continuation of the mediatory adings of Chrift in heaven and glory. I hall clofe this difcourfe with a little review offoiiewhat that paffed be- fore. From the considerationof that place of the apoftle, wherein he af- firmes, that at the cud, ChrifI(hallgive up the kingdom unto the Father, I declared that all the hate of things which we have defcribed, hall then ceafe, and all things iffue in the immediate enjoyment of God himfelf. I would extend this no farther than as unto what concerneth the exercife of Chrift's mediatory office with refped unto the church herebelow, and the enemies of it. But there are force things which belong unto the dream of this hate, which (hall continue unto all eternity: As, (i. [ do believe that the perfon of Chrift, in and by his humane na- ture, hall be for ever the immediatehead of the whole glorified creation. cod having gathered all things auto an head in him, the knot or center of that collection hall never be dilfolved. We hall never lofe our relation unto him, nor he his unto us. (2. I dotherefore alfo believe, that he hall be the means and way of communication between God andhis glorified faints for ever. What are, what will be the glorious communications ofGod unto his faints for ever, in life, light, power, joy reit and ineffable fatisfadion, (as all mull be from him unto eternity;) I hall not now inquire. But this I fay, they hallbe all made in and through the perfon of the Son and the humane na- ture