Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

of the PERSON ofCHRIST, &c. 189 ture therein. That tabernacle !hall never be folded up, never be laid afide as ufelefs. And if it be faid, that I cannot declare the way and manner of the eternal communication ofGod himfelf unto his faints in glory by Chrift ; I !hall only fay, that I cannot declare the way and manner of his communications of hunfelfingrace byChrift, unto the fouls of men inthis world, and yet I do believe it. How much more muff we fatisfy our felves with the evidence offaith alone in thofe things, which as yet, are more incomprehenfible. And our adherence unto God by love and de- light !hall always be through Chrift. For God will be conceived of unto eternity, according to the manifeftation that he hath made of himfelf in bim, and no otherwife. This fhall not be by afting faith with refpedt unto the aftual exercife of the mediation of Chrift, as now we cleave unto God; but it fhall be by the all fatisfying afting of love unto God, as he hath manifefted himfelf, and will manifeft himfelf in Chrift. (3. The perfon of Chrift, and therein his humane nature (hall be the eternal objeft of divine glory; praife and worfhip. The life of glory is not a meer (late of contemplation. Vifion is the principle of it, as faith is of the lifeof grace. Love is the great vital afting of that principle, in adherence unto God with eternal delight. But this is altive in it abb. It (hall be exercifed in the continual afcription and affignation of glory, praife and honour unto God, and the glorious exercife of all forts of grace there- in ; hereof the lamb, the pérfon of Chrift is the eternal objeft with that of theFather and the fpiiit; thehumane nature in the Son admitted into thecommunionof the fame eternal glory. B bb