Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

aFáOMM .,.. AMM Chalon Reader. EING brought under an engagement ofpromifefor the pub- lifting offonte meditations on the fublell which thou wilt find bandied in the enfuing treatife. The reafons of this delay, being not of publick concernment, I ftall not need to mention. Theft who have been in expeflation of this duty fromme, have for the moll partbeen fofar acquaintedwith my condition and employments, as to be able to fatisfy them- felves, as to the deferring of their delire:. That which I have to add at prefent is only this; having bad many opportunities, fence the time I firfì delivered any thing in publick on this fubjefi, (which was the means ofbringing me under the engagements mentioned) to reafume the confiders- tion ofwhat Ihadfiiflfixedon, Ibave been inabled to give it that improve- ment, and to make thofe additions to the main of the defign and matter treatedon, that my debt is come at length to be only the occafon of what is now tendred to thefaints of God. I Jhall fpeak nothing of thefubjefi here handled it may Ihopefpeak for it feif, in that fpiritualfavour and relifb which it will yield to them, wbofe hearts are not fo filled with other things, as to render the fweet things of the Gofpel bitter to them. The defign of the whole treatife, thou wiltfind, chriflian reader, in the firfi chapters of the firfi part: and I flail notdetain thee Are with the perufal of any thing which in its proper place will offer it felfunto thee know only, that the whole of it bath been recommended to the grace of God in many fupplications, for its ufefulnefs unto them that are interefl- ed in the good things mentioned therein. Oxon. Ch. Ch. Coll. July to. 0657. JOHN OWE N. Ccc T O