Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

vvvwfrywv r fyy ,,vvvw 6--ezat,4,4,A T O THE R E A D E R' LPHO N S US, King of Spain, is fail to havefoundfood andphyfickin reading Livy: And Ferdinand King of Sicily, in reading Quintus Curtin. But thou haft here nobler entertainments, vafly riolaer dainties, incomparably more fovereign medicines; Ihad alma/i Paid, the very lugheft of angels food is here fet before thee. And, as 'Pliny(peaks, permifla deli its auxilio: Things that miner unto grace and comfort; to only life and ivelinefs. Such is thi treatife. This which is the only one extant, upon it's great and nzecegary fnrbjefl. This, whofe praife bath been long in the churches- and hatfi gone enamelled with thehonourable reproaches of snore than one Englifh Bolfec. This whofe great author, like the fun, is well known tó the world, by eminence of heavenly light and labours. This which, ae hie many other works, can be no other than manna unto found chriftians; the no better, than hone and ferpent to'Socinians and their fellow-commoners. Importunity`hath drawn me to fay thus much more, than I could think needful to be fetid, concerning any work of Dr. Owen's. Neeclfìrl in our day it felf i a day wherein gauct facras fcripturas, plures nomina return, plurimi nomina magiftrornm fegauntur. Few .do cleave to the holy feriptnres ï many do refi in feholaftick fenfelefs founds: And mofI men do hang their faith upon their Rabbi's fleeves, This only I add; of the fwarms 'every day riling, there are few books hilt do want their readers. Tet if I underfland aright, there are not many readers but do want this book. In which cenfure, I think, Iam noTyrant, (which thePloilofapber names the worli ofwild beafts:) and .1 amfure, Iam no Flatterer, (which be calls asju/Ily, the wo,]? oftame benito.) ,ÿ r«Jla bar bi rx"ulx. + Let the fimple fouls (the pauciffimw lettionis to çipii) Who -taker the doílrine of di/linfl communion with the divine perfons, tnQ-bl- a newfangled one, and uncouth; obferve the words of the Reverend Mr. Sam. Clark (the annotator Oni the Bible) in hisfermon on t John i. 7. It is to be noted, that there is adiftinit fellowlhip with each of the perfons of the bleffed trinity. Let them attend what isfaid by Mr. Lewis Stucley, in hie preface to Mr. Polwheil's book of quenching the fpirit i It is á moltglorious truth, tho' eonfider'd but by few, that believers have, or may have, diftinft com- munion with the three perfons, Father, Son and Spirit. This is attefted by the finger of God, and folemnly ownedby the firft and heft age of chri- fianity. To name no more; let them readheedfìrly but the fecond chapter of this treatife, andit's hoped that then they (hall no longer contra antido- tum infanire; no longer rage againff God's holy medicinal truth, as St. Au- ftin faith he did, while be was a Manicísee i to/tifying in fo mangy words, his error was his very God. - Reader, I am Thy Servant in Clint i Jefus, DANIEL BURGESS.