xiv P R E F A C E. OvTa wGv 6 b Xers iy Ti zfJ 'rdTx;;:veae v 7b' ' . NE6, Try@,,, b /ZiQ,, áNr¿m OiCs TE rÿ dv9ow- r© -, ávrdviav ß12,7v eth-vg, a°ryAeee, faith Clemens, Adliort. ad Gentes. !Ie therefore is the Ward, the exile of oldofour Being, for he was in God, and the caufeofour wellbeing. But now he hath appeared unto men, the fame eternal Word, who alone is both God and man, and unto us the taufe ofall that isgoód. As hewas in God the taufe ofour being and well-being from eternity, he was the foundation of the divine counfels in the way explained and in his incarnation, the execution of them all was committed unto hint, that through him all ativalgood, all the fruits_ of thofe counfels might be communicated unto us. Chap. C. He is alto declared in the next place, as he is the image and -great reprefentative of God, even the Father, unto the Church Cn what various accounts he isfo called, isfully declared in the difcourfe- it f In his divine perfon, as he was the only begotten. of the Father from eternity, he is the effential image of the Father, by the generation ofhis perfon, and the communication of the divine nature unto hire; therein. Ar he is inter. nate, he is both in his own entireperfon God andMan, and in the ádmini- flratíon of his office, the image or reprefentative of the nature and Will of God unto as, as is fullyproved. So (peaks Clem. Alexandrin. Admonit. ad Gentes; ñ b yS T'S Cvsé eiwv b 7eil7 j, durb. 6 ii; Tö is yvráaç, i Psi; Táyoç, pori5 lgyéTUCrov 05s, eixwv nP TSyu b lc&gr ma. The image of God is his own word, the natural Son of the (Eternal) Mind, the divine Word, the o- riginal Light of Light ; and the image of the Word is man. And the t,,,Author again Padagog. 7r25esswo Ts' ®;i b )4tt, sè eusrI pre.; b Oeáç xal pou- ss;W,1p. The Word is the face, the countenance, the reprefntatian ofGod, in whoinhe is brought to light and made known. As he is in his divine perfon his eternal effential image, fo in his incarnation, as the teacher of men, he is the,reprefenntative image ofGod unto the church, as is afterwards declared. Soalfo Hierom. expreffeth his mindherein, Comment. in Pfal. 66. Illuminet vultum fuum Riper nos ; Dei facies qua eft ? utigue Imago ejus. Dint enim Apoftolus imagincm Parriscire filium ; ergo imagihefua nos illuminer ; hoc eft, imaginera fuum filium illuminet fuper nos ; ut ipfe-nos illumina, lux enim Papis lux bib. eft. Let him calife his face to -(bine n/on us; or lift up tie light of his countenance upon us. What is the face ofGod? evenhis image. For the apoftlefais, that the Son is the image of the Father. Wherefore let him /bine on us with his image ; that is, caul his Son, which is his image, to ¡bons upon us, that he may illuminate us; for the light of the Father andof the -Son are thefame. Chr /ft being the image of God, the face' of God, in him,is God reprefented untous, and through him are all Paving be- nefits communicated unto.ihem that believe. Eufcbitts adio fpeaks often unto this purpofe; as Demon. Evangel. lib. q.. cap. a. `Ohio Hx;íruç aï ,Ipnepii SeoAcyiúTe;, Snhv yin Sao i9év ?btoyabme;v, 4i5 hr T2; limpfro nui èar;g.atbm bihcrT.. t/.Óvar io is.n fígpica i, f¡xew, 81 E ;cal Pile TE ludo xár TéyESu; aS wreÿç Ti arfarar a¡.co;weeceç ,z'o,;y Wherefore the holy oracles freaking theologically, or teaching divine things, do rightly call him God begotten (of the Father) as he who alone bears in himfelf the image of the inefable and inconceivable Deity. Wherefore he both is, and is called God, becatfe of his being the charalter, ftmilitude or image of him who is the fzbft. The divine perfonality ofChri/t confifls in this, That .the whole divine nature being communicatedunto hem by eter- nalgeneration, he is the image of Gad, even the Father, by whom he is re- prefentedunto ur. See the fame Book chap. 7. to the fame purpofe. Af DeEccieftaft. Theo]. contra Marcell. lib. a, cap. 17. Clemens