Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

each PERSON difi.ac`lly 197 faints of old were not acquainted with. By Jefus Chria alone then on all confiderations as to, beingt and full manifeftation, is this diftance taken away; He bath c¢nfecrated for us á new and living way (the old being quite fliut up) through the. váil,' that is to fay his fieI), Hcb x. 2C. And through him we have an accefs by one fpirit unto the Father, Ephef. ii. 18. We who fometiwes were a far off, are made nigh by the bloodofaryl,. for he is our peace, &c. v. r3, 14. Of this foundationof all our commu- nion with God, more afterwards, and at large. Upon this new bottom and foundation,. by this new ana living way, ate (inners admitted unto communion with God, and have fellowlhip; with him. And truly for tan- ners to have fellowlhip with God, the infinitely holy God, is an alloniíhíng difpenfation (a). To fpeak a little of it in general, communion relates to things and perfons., A joynt participation in any thing whatever, good or evil, duty or enjoyment, nature or aétions, gives this denomination to them fo partaking of it. A common intereft in the fain nature gives all men a fellowlhip Or communion therein. Om the elect it is faid, nd wardix esvorvrdvnr, uugeìe¿j, .aaviT, Heb. ii. tq.. thofe children partook oj; or had fellowlhip in with the refs ofthe world, Alb and blood; the faine common nature with the reff of mankind ; and the therefore Chrift alfo cape into the famefellowlhip: ria ducks =eye AvA eç p.criye zröe dame. There is alfo a communion as to ftate and condition, whether it begood or evil (b) ; and this either in things internal and fpiritual, fuck as is the cmmunion of faints among themfelves ; or in refpeft of outward things; fo was it with Chrift and the twothieves, as to one condition, and to one of them in refpec of another. They, were iv zrf ch of isisran, under the fame fentence to the crofs, Luke xxüie 4o., ejufdçtn dolerlefocii. They had coin- munion as to that evil condition whereunto they were adjudged. And one of them requefted, which he obtained, á participation in that bleffed con- dition, whereupon our Saviour was immediately to enter. There is alto a communion or fellowlhip in a&ions, whether good or evil. In good is that communion and fellowihip in theGofpel, or in the performance and celebration of that fellowlhip of God, which in the Gofpel is inftituted, which the faints do enjoy ; Phil. i. g. which as to the general kind ofit, David fo rejoyces in, Pfal. lxii. 4. in evil was that, wherein Simeon and Levi were brethren, Gen. xlix. g. They had communion in that cruel ad of revenge and murther. Our communion with God is not coin - prifed in any of thefe kinds; of finite of them it is -exclufìve. It cannot be natural, it mull be voluntary and by confent. It cannot be offlute and conditions, but in actions : it cannot be in the fame a&ions upon a third party, but inareturn from one toanother. The infinite difparity that is be- tween God and man, madethe great Philofopher conclude, that there could be no friendship between them (c). Some diftance in the perfons holding friendfhip he could allow, not could exaCly determine the bounds and extent thereof : but thatbetween God and man, in his apprehenfion leftno place for it. Another fays indeed, that there is communitas bomini cum Dee, a certain fellowfliip between God andman. But the general entercourfe of providence is all he apprehended: fome arofe to higher expreflions, but they underftood nothing whereof they fpake. This knowledge is hid in Chrift, as will afterwards be made to appear: It is too wonderful for (a) = John iii. T. Aíoae sè terrrr ádrr d`Ñdirge eiteac, d1'rnm d$ " -r a mereICoe nu scolas !Lifts. Feb. ab, a. chap. a. (b) Quemadmodum nobis arrhàbonem fpiritus reüquit ita & à nobis arrhabonem carnis accepte, & vests in Cuium, pignus twins lemma iliac redigendo. Term/. de Refer. (e) 'Aae<ßñs celle "acv tv me rocr to is,, ieeT4t3, tos ' & to gírou, '.oTrdv )5 'säieeec)rav, Sr, n4 H, n9Té Ji ÿ euNrrer olaspnit ht ëx Sn. A> f ee. Eth, iii, 8. e.7. Cirer, de nat. b. rib. D d d nature