Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

1g8 Of COMMUNION with :nature, as finful and corrupted. Terror and apprehenlions of death at theprefence of God, is all that it guides unto. But we have, as was faid, a new foundation, with a new difcovery of this privilege. Now communion is the mutual communicationoffachgood things, aswhere- in the pestons holding that communion are delighted, bottomed upon fame union between them. So it was with Jonathan and David, their fouls slave to one another, s Sain. xx. 17. in love. (a) There was the union of love between them; and then they reallycommunicated all lffues of love mutually (b): in fpiritual things this is snore eminent. Thofe who enjoy tins communion have the moil excellent union, for thefoundation of it , and the blues of that union which they mutudlly communicate are the mote precious and eminent. Of the union, which is the foundationof $11 that communion we have with God, I have fpoken largely elfewhere, and have nothing farther to add thereunto. , Our communion then with God, confifteth inhis communication ofhim- felf unto us, with our returnal unto him, of that which he requireth and accepteth, flowing from that union which in Jefus Chrift we have with him. And it is twofold, (r.) perfeft and compleat, in the full fruition of his glory and totalgiving up our felves to him, rating in him as our utmofe end, which we fhall enjoy, when we fee him as he is (c): And (a.) ini- tial and incompleat, in the firft fruits and dawning of that perfe&ion, which we have here in grace, which only I (hall handle. It is then, I fay of that mutual communication (d) in giving and recei- ving, after a mofe holy-and fpiritual manner, which is between God 'and the faints, while they walk together in a covenant ofpeace, ratified in the blood of Jefus, whereofwe are to treat. And thiswe fhall do, if God per- mit, in the mean time, praying the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jefas Chrift, who bath ofthe richesof hisgrace, recovered us froma flare of enmity, into a condition of communion and fellowfhip with himfelf, that both he that writes, and theythat read thewords ofthis mercy, may have fuch a tuft of his fweetnefs and excellencies therein, as to be furred up to a farther longing after the fulnefs of his falvation, dnd the eternal fruition ofhim inglory. (a)n.i ', pír5r rnsrd; (b) tai5i msterHíe, rarvd es>,er, á535"s, t, uo bt t 4,r ía, A ifloe Ethic. 8. (5) Noftraquippe & iglusconjunitio nec mifcet perfonas, nee unit fubftintias,fed affehiue confociat,.& conflederat voluntates. Cyp. deCan. Dom!,. (d) Magna eft etiaut ills communi- les, qua conficitur ea beneficiin ulero citroque datis, acceptifq; Ci,. of ,. CHAP.