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each PERSON diflinelly. 199 agi+rca:sya<as-ara} irt }ais+aí'a!o-i.fsv}aaaeara :agita}aäa<tf}o-taaæ}es;yp 3 r 3 `xxyÓ ' yg..y x rid x * a kaMra;aaao- 7,eas;aF¢gara:+r4aa;:à:s!akuxaxra4;ks:iats3uöas:ae:+s::t CHAP. II. That thefaints have this communion dfinffly, with theFather, Son, and Spirit. a John v. 7, opened to thispurpofe. Alfa a Cor. xii. 4, 5, 6, Ephef. it. s8. Father and Son mentionedjointly in this Communion. The Father folely. The Son elfo and the Holy Ghofl fingly. The faints refpei9ive regard in all worfhip to each perfon manifeffed. Faith in the Father. John v. 9, so. and love towards him, a. John ii. 15. Mal. i. 6. So is prayer and praife., It is fo likescife with the Son. John xiv. I. Of our Communionwith the Holy Chou. The truth farther confirmed. HA T the faints have communion with God and what communion in general is, was declared in the firft chapter. The manner how this communion is carried on, and the matter wherein it doth confit, comes next under confideration. For the firft, in refpeft of the diftinft perfonsofthe Godhead,with whom they have this fellow- fhip, it is either diftind and peculiar, or,elfe, obtained andexercifed joyntly and in common. That the faints have diftinft com- munion with the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that is, di- ftinftly with the Father, and diftinftly with the Son, and diftinftly with theHoly Spirit and in what the peculiar appropriation of this diftincî communion unto the feveral perlons doth confìft, mull in the fion place be made manifeft (a). r John v. 7. The apoflle tells us, There are three that bear witnefs ira heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Spirit. In heaven they are, and bear witnefs to us. And what is it that theybear witnefs unto? Unto the Sonthip of Chrift, and falvation ofbelieVers in his blood. Ofthe carrying on of that, both byblood and water, juftification and fanftification, is he there treating. Now how do they bear witnefs hereunto? Even as. three, as three diftinft witneffes. When God witneífeth concerningour falvation, furely it is incumbent on us to receive his teftimony. And as he beareth witnefs, fo are we to receive it. Now this is donediftinftly. The Father bearethwitnefs, the Son beareth witnefs, and the HolySpirit beareth nefs ; for theyare threediftinft witneffes. So then are we to receive their feveral teftimonies, and in doing fo, we have communion with them feve- rally; for in this givingand receiving of teftimony, confifts no final! part of our fellowfhip with God ; wherein their diltin&witneffsng confifts, will be afterward declared. s Cor. xii. 4, 5, 6. The apoftle fpeaking of the diftribution ofgifts and graces unto the faints, afcribes them diftinftly in refpeft of the fountain of their communication unto the diftinft perfons. There are diverfities of gifts, but thefame fpirit. (h) The one and felf fame fpirit is the Holy Ghoft (a) Ecce dieo alium elf, patrem, & alium filtum, non divifione alium, fed didinftione, Torras. adv. roan. 'ou Sc r.Ñvar, 4r,7c'mud' aikadtmay,uti, i oadrre ,d uria co.oav,;ÿ rit o) áY amslcsicc, Greg., Natiantea. 1 b) Xatíst+amn, dlaonl u, irci?í 7a. 12. And