200 Of CobíMUNIö with 12. And there are differences of adminiffrations, but the farne Lora, the fame Lord Jefus, a 3; And there are diverféties ofoperations, but it is the fame God, &c: even the Father, Ephef. iv. 6. So graces and gifts ate bellowed and fo are they received. And not only in the emanation' ofgrace from God, and the Elapfeeof the fpirit on us, but alto in all our approaches unto God, is the fame diftinftion obferved: (a) For through Chrift we have an accefs by one fpirit, unto the Father, Ephef. H. 18. Our acceft unto God, wherein we have communion with him, is día Xfft through Chrifi, Fr w ooeah, in the Spirit, and waje otv 7ra,rkge, unto the Father. The perfons being herein conft- dered, as ingag'd diftinftly into the accompliflmient of the counfel ofthe will of God, revealed in the Gofpel. Sometime indeed there is exprefs mention made only of the Father and with the Son, o John i. 3. Our fellowfliip is with the Father and with his Son Jefus Çbr#. The particle and is both diítinguifhing, and uni- ting, Alfo John xiv. 23. Ifa Haan love me, he will keep my words, and my Father will lovehim, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. It is in this communion, wherein Father and Son do Make their bode with the foul. Sometimes the Son only ib fpoken of as to this purpofe, r Cor God is faithful by whomye were called unto the fèllowJsip ofhis Son Jefus Cbrifi our Lord. And Rev. Hi. 20. Ifaur man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to bim, andwill fup with him, and he with me -, of which place afterwards. Sometimes the fpirit alone ismentioned, 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The grace ofthe Lord JefusChrift, andthe loveof God, and thecommunion oftheHoly (shoJI be with you :all. This diftinft communion then of the faints with the Father, Son, and Spirit, is very plain in the fcripture, but yet, it may admit of farther demonftration : only this caution I mull lay in-before hand. Whatever is affirmed in the purfuit of this truth, it is done with relation to theexplanation enfuingin the beginningof the next chapter. The way andmeans then on the part ofthe faints, whereby inChrift they enjoy communionwith God, are all the fpiritual and holy ailings (h) and outgoings of their fouls in thofe graces, and by thofe ways, wherein both the moral, and inflituted worfhipof God doth confift. Faith, love, trufl, joy, &è. are the natural or moral worfhip ofGod, whereby thofe inwhom they are, have communion with him. Now thefe are either immediately ailed on .God, andnot eyed to any ways or means outwardly manifefling themfelves, or elfe they are farther drawn forth in folemn prayer and praifes, according unto that waywhich loe bath appointed. That the fcrip Lure doth diftinftly affign all thefe unto the Father, Son and Spirit : ma- nifefting that the faints do, in all of them, both as they are purely and nakedly moral, and as farther cloathed with inílituted worfhip, refpeft each perfon refpeitively, is that, which to give light to the áffertion in hand, I -lhall farther declareby particular inftances. I. For the Father: Faith love, obedience, &c. are particularly and diftinftly yielded by the faints unto him, and he is peculiarly manifefted in thofe ways as ailing peculiarly towards them, which íhould draw them forth, and Oit than up thereunto. He gives. teftimony unto, and beareth witnefs of his Son, 1 John y. 9. This is the witnefr of God which he bath teffified of bis Son. In his bearing witnefs (a) Haar.,dinmr eo?smadr r.1rrs,r, irwuboa S,ce,,umaiu of t a, i aia'i bd jrTar dyr"s,,xr srx s sµ xr5í . HtY. erg. Cony. Cell. lib, 5. (51Hic tibu præcipue It pura mente Meador. ke