202 OfCÓlMMUNION with 2. It is fo alto in reference unto the Son, John xiv., t. Tou believe in God, faith Chrift, believe alfo in me. Believe alfo, ad faith diftindlyon me ; faith divine, fupernatural, that faith wherebyyou believe in God, that is, the Father. There is a believing of Chrift, viz. that he is the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. 'Phis is that whofe neglect our Saviour fo threatened unto the pharifees, folio viii. 24. Ifyou believe not that I am be, you Phan dye in your files. In this fenfe faith is not immediately fixed on the Son, being only an owning of him, that is Chrift to be the Son, by clofing with the teftimony of the Fa- ther concerning him. But there is alfo a believing on him, called be- lieving on the name of the Son of God, t John v. 13. So alfo fobn ix. 36. Yea the diftind affixing of faith, affiance and confidence on the Lord Jefes Chrift the Sonof God, as the Sonof God, is moll frequently pr f- fed. yohn iii. 16. God, that is, theFather, fo loved the world, that whafa- ever helieveth onhim, thât is, the Son, fhould not perifn. The Son, who is given ofthe Father is believed on. He that believeth on him, is not con- demned, v.18. He.that believer, on the Son bath eternal life; v. 36. This is the work ofGod that ye believe on him, whom he bath fent, John vi. 29: 40. r Johnv. to. The foundation of the whole is laid John v. 23. That all men fhould honour the Son, even as they honour the Father i he thathonoured, not the Son, honouretb not the Father wbicb fent him. But ofthis honour and worfhip ofthe Son, I have treated at large elfewere (a), and shall not in general infift upon itagain. For love, I (hall only add that folemn apoftolical benedi&ion, Ephef. vi. 24. Grace be with all them that love our LordJefusChrill infincerity. That is, withdivine love, thedove ofreligiousworship ; which is the only incorrupt love of the Lord Jefas Further ! that faith, hope and love, acting themfelves in all manner of obedience and appointed worfhip, are peculiarly due from the faints (b), and diftindly direfied unto the Son, is abundantly manifefted from that folemn doxology, Rev. i. 5, 6. Unto him thatloved us andwafbednofrom our fins in bis own blood, and bath made us Kings and Friefls unto God and his Father, to himbeglory anddominionfor ever, and ever, Amen. Which yet is fet forth with more glory chap. v. ver. 8. The four living creatures, andthefour and twenty eldersfell down before the lamb, having every y one of them harper, and golden vials fullof odours, which are theprayers of faints : and v. 13, 54. Every creature which is in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and fuch as are in thefee, and all that are in them, heard I Paying, Biding, honour, glory, and power, he unto him that. fitter., on the throne, and unto the lamb for ever and -even. The Father, and the Son, he that fits upon the throne, and the lamb, are held out joyntly, yet diftindly as the adequate object of all divine worfhip and honour, for ever and ever. And thereforeStephen in his fe- lemndying invocation, fixeth his faith and hopediftindly on him, Ails vii. 59,6o. Lord Jefas receive my fpirit, and Lord lay not this fin to their charge i for he knew, that the Son of man had power to forgive fins alfo. And this worfhipof the Lord Jefus, the apoftle makes the difcrimir noting character of the faints, t Cor. i. 2. With all (faithhe) that in every place call upon the name of Jefas Chrift our Lord, both theirs andours that is, with all the faints ofGod. And invocation generally comprizesthe whole worfhip ofGod (e). This then is the due of our mediator, though as God, as the Son, not as mediator. (a) va,,. Evan. sap m. (5) Pfat. ii. 7. 12. Dan iii. 25. Matt,. iii ,7. svii. 5. sail. 45. John iii. 36. v. ,9, so, 2,, 22, 23 24, 25. viii. 6. , Cor. e. 9. Gal. i. 16. iv. 6. John H. 02. 53, 24. V. as, n, ts. Heb. i, 6. Phil. ü, 1Q. Jo,bn r. 23. (r) Ira. Ivi. 7r Rom. s. to -e2, 13, e4. Thus