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each PERSON difiinHly. 203 Thus alfo is it inreference unto the Holy Spirit of grace. The doling of the great fin of unbslief (a), is Rill defcribed as an oppoítion unto, lind a refilling of that Holy Spirit. And you have diftinft mention of the love of theSpirit, Rom. xv. 13. The apoftle alfo peculiarly direfis his fupplication to him in that Solemn benediction, 2 Cor. xiii. iq. Thegrace ofthe Lord Jefus Chriit the love ofGod, and the communion of the Holy Spirit he withyou. All filch benedictions are originally fupplications. He is likewife entitled unto all inftituted worthip, from the appointment of the adminiftration of baptifm in his name, Match. xxviii. 18. Ofwhich things more afterwards. Now of the things which have been deliver'd, this is theSum. There is no grace whereby out fouls go forth unto -God, no all of divine wor- fhipyielded' unto him, no duty or obedience performed, but they are di- ftinftly directed unto Father, Son, and Spirit. Now by thefe and fuch like ways as thefe, do we hold communionwith God: and thereforewe have that communion diftinflly, as path been defcribed. This alfo may farther appear, if we confider how diflinaly the perfons of the deity are revealed to ad in thecommunication of thofe good things, wherein the Saints have communion with God (b). As all the fpiritual afcendings of their fouls, are affigned unto them refpeftively, fo all their internal receivings of the communications of God unto them, are held out in fuch a diftribution, as points at diftinft rifes and fountains (though not ofbeing in themfelves, yet) of difpenfations unto us. Now this is decla- red two ways. (r.) When the fame thing, is at the famëtime, afcribed joyntly, and yet diftindly to all the perfons in the deity, and refpedively to each of them. So are grace and peace Rev. i. q; 5. Grace be unto you andpeace from him, which is, andwhich was, andwhich is to come, andfrom thefeven fpirits which are before bis throne, and from 7efus Cbrift, who is the faith- ful witnefs, &c. The feven fpirits -before the throne are the Holy Spirit of God, confidered as the perfeft fountain of every perfefk Gift and dif- penfation. All are here joyned together, and yet all mentioned as diftin- guifhed in their communication of grace and peace unto the faints. Grace andpeace beuntoyou, from the Father, andfrom, &c. (2.) When the fame thing is attributed feverally and Tingly unto each perfon. There is indeed no gracious influencefrom above, no elapfe of light, life, love, or grace upon our hearts, but proceedeth in fuch a difpenfation. I (hall give only one inftance, which is very compre- henfìve, and may be thought to comprizeall other particulars; and this is teaching. The teaching of God, is the real communication ofall and every particular emanation from himfelf unto the faints, whereof they are made partakers. That promife, They (hall be all taught of God, enwraps in it feif the whole my/fiery of grace, as to its aftuall difpenfation unto us, fo far as we may be made real poffeffors of it. Now this is affigned, [n] Unto theFather. The accomplifhment of that promife is peculi- arly referr'd to him. John vi. A.5. It is written in the prophets, And they fhall be all taught ofGod. Every man therefore who hash beard and learned ofthe Father, cometh unto me. This teaching whereby we are tranflated from death unto life, brought unto Chrift, unto a participation of life and love in him, it is of, and from the Father: himwe hear, of trim we learn (d), by him are we brought unto union and communion with the Lord (a) Aftsvii. 51. (b) Tametf omnia unus idemgue Deus efficit, -ut dicitur, opera trinitatis adextra runt individu, difinguuntur tames perform difcrimine 'a iltis operibus ; Matti]. ii. tb. Adis, Hi. 3, Gen. xix. 24. Geo. i. 26. Mattb. xxviii. 19. z.Cor. xiii. 13. (r) Match. xi. 25. John i. r3. (di James i. Jefus