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204. Of COMMUNION with Jefus. 'This is his drawing us, his begetting us anew of his own will, by his own fpirit. And in which work he imploys the Minifters of the Gofpel ; Aílr xxvi. s 8. [a.] Unto the the Son. The Father proclaimshim from heaven to be thegreat teacher, in that folemn charge to hear him, which came once again from the excellent glory, This it my beloved Song hear him. The whole of his prophetical (a), and no fmall part of his Kingly Office con- ffls in this teaching. Herein is he faid to draw men unto him, as the Fa- ther is faid to do his teaching ; Johnxii. 32. which he Bothwith fuck efficacy that thedead hear his voice and live. The teaching of the Son, is a life giving, a fpirit breathing teaching: an effectual influence of light, wherebyhe thins into derknefs; communication-of life, quicking thedead, an openingof blind eyes, and changingof hard hearts, a pouring out of the Spirit, withall thefruits thereof. Hence heclaimes it as his privilege to be the foieMafter Matt. xxiii. lo. One isyour mailer which is Chr . [e.] To the Spirit. John xiv. 26. The comforter he [hall teach you all things ; and the annointing whichyou bavereceived, faiththe apoftle, ahideth inyou, andyou neednot that any man teachyou, but as the fame anointing teacheth you all things, and is truth; and is no lye, and even as it bath taughtyou, ye (hall abide in him, t John ii. 27. That teaching un&ion which is not only true, but truth it felt, is only the Holy Spirit of God, fo that he teacheth alfo; being given unto us, that we may know the things that arefreely given to us of God, .1 Cor. ii. 15. I have chofen this fpe_ cilal inftante, becaufe as I told you, it is comprehenuve, and comprizes in it felf molt of the particulars that might be annumerated : quickning, pre- ferving, &c. This then farther drives on the truth that lyes under dmonftration; there being fuch a diftinll communion of grace from the feveral perfons of the deity, the faints nmft needs have diftin& communionwith them. It remaineth only to intimate in a word, wherein this diftinftion lyes, and what is the ground thereof, Now this is, that the Father doth it by the wayoforiginal authority; the Son by the way ofcommunicating from a purchafed treafury ; the Holy Spiritby the way of immediate efficacy. 1.) The Father communicateth all grace by the way of original autho- rity. He quickneth who,n he will, John v. 2t. Of bis own will, begat heus, Jain. i.18. Life giving power is in refped of original authority invefted in the Father by the way ofeminency. : and therefore in fending h e quickning Spirit, Chrift is faid to do it from the Father, or the Father himfelf to do it. But the Comforter,theholy fpirit whom the Father willfend, John xiv. 26. But when thecomforter is come, whom Iwillfend from the Father, John xv. 26. Though he be alfo faid to fend liimfelf, on another account, John xvi. 7. 2.) The Son by theway of making out a purchafed treafury. Of his f anefs do we ail receive and gracefor grace, John i. 16. And whence is this fulnefs? It pleafed the Father that in him all fulnefr fhould dwell, Col. i. 19. And upon what account he hath the difpenfationof that fulnefs to him committed, you may fee, Phil: ii. 8, 9, t, st. When thoufhall snake bisfoul an offeringfor fin, o be fliallprolong his days, and the pleafureof the Lordfliallprofper in his band. He (hallfee of the travail ofbisfoul and' be fatisfied, by bis knowledge.lball my righteous fervent juflify many, for be (ball bear their iniquities, lfa. liii. to, II. Andwith thisfulnefs hebath al -. fo authority for thecommunicationof it, John v.25, 26. Math. xxviii. 18. (u) Mss iii. 17. 000. 5. s Pet, i. 57. Deut. xvifi. 55, 16, 17, ,8, t9, so, &c. Aasiti. 22, 23. John o. 25. Ifa. Ixi. t, 2, 3. Luke iv. 18, To. 3) The