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each PERSON difiinçlly, 205 3.) The Spirit dothit by the way of immediate efficacy, Rom. viii. Ii. But if the Spirit ofhim that raifed up Jefus from the dead, dwell in you: be that raifed up aril' from the dead, fhall alto quickenyour mortal bodies by bisfpirit that dlvelletb bijou. Hereare all three comprized, with their diftind concurrence unto our quickning. Here isthe Father's authoritative quickning, he raifed Chrifl from the dead, and he (ball quickenyou: and the Son's mediatory quickning, for it is done in the death of Chr y: and the Spirit, immediate efficacy, he(hall do it by the Spirit that dwelleth in you. He that delires to, fee this whole matter farther explained, may con- fult what I have elfewere writtenon this fubjed: And thus is the diftind communion whereof we treat, both proved and demonftrated. IMAMTVVVVVVVTVVVVVVVVV. 4fi1^F}+4#4`}yy4iá44fi4444444i^tM44+t44+;+yj+::4+Tii4+dá}+er#M4TN}4+ffi++tr+Afi4fi4k foN1.ÿY9toWPdAOiO+á)PON°,tGtOSOSeo<o1N'to)GtoW to..`Ldeo-!etohlfo2"ofn" t-o.dN' fot4-1lL-7y CHAP. III. Of the peculiar and diflinïl Communion which the faint: have with the Father. Obfervations for the clearing of the whole premifed. Our peculiar Communion with the Father is in Love: r John iv. 7, 8. 2 Cor. xiii. 13. Johnxvi. 26, 27. Rom. v. 5. Joh. iii. 16. Joh. xiv. 23. Titus iii. 4. opened to thispurpofe. What is requiredof believers to hold Communion with the Father in Love, His Love received byfaith. Returns of love to bim. God's Love to us, and ours to him wherein they agree. Wherein they differ. AV ING proved that there is fuels a diftind communion in refpe& of the Father, Son, and Spirit, as whereof we fpeak i it remains that it be farther cleared up by an in- dudion of inflances, to manifeft what and wherein the the faints peculiarly hold this communion with the feve- ral perfons refpedsvely: which alfo I !hall do after the premifng forne obfervanons, neceffary to be previoufly confidered, as was promifed, for the clearing of what bath been fpoken. And they are there that follow. I. When I aflign any thing as peculiar (a), wherein we diftindly hold communion with any perfon, I do not exclude the other perfons from communion with the foul in the very fame thing. Only this I fay, prin- cipally, immediately and by the wayof eminency, we have fuch a thing, or in fuch a way communion with forne one perfon; and therein with the others, fecundarily and by way ofconfequence on that foundation. For the perfon, as the perfon of any one of them, is not the prime objed of divine worfhip, but as it is identifyed with the nature or effence of God. Now the works that outwardly are of God, called Trinitatis ad extra, which are commonly faid to be common and undivided, are either wholly fo, and in all refpeds, as all works ofcommon providence, or elfe being common in refpeets of their ads, they are diftinguifhed in refpe& of that (a) Opera ad extra font indivifa. F f f principle