206 Of G o M ni Q N>_ o Nwiáh principle, or next and immediate rife in the manner of operation ; fo crea- r oü is appointed to the Father, redemption to the Son; in which fence we fpeak of thcfe things. 2. "l'llere is a concurrence of the adings and operations of the whole deity (a), in that difpenfation, wherein each perfon concurs to the work of our falvation, unto every aft of our communion with each angular per- Look by what aft foever, we hold communion with any perfon, there is an influence twin every pe±lbn to the putting forth of that ad. As fuppofe it to be the ad of faith. It is bellowed on us by the Father t It is not ofour fares, it is the giJl OfGod, Ephef. ii. 8. It is the Father that revealeth the Gofpel, and Chrift therein, Match. xi. 25. And it is pur- chafed for us by the Son: It is given untoyou for Chriff's fake to believe on him; Phil. i. 29. In him are we blelfed with fpiritual bleffings, Ephef. i. g. He bellows on us, and increafeth faith in us, Luke xvii. g, And it is wrought in us by the Spirit ì hê admínifters that exceeding greatnefs of his power which he exercifeth towards them who believe, according to the working of his mightypower; which he wrought in God when he raifed him upfrom the dead, Ephef. t. 19, 20. Rom. viii. r 1. 3. When I Align any particular thing wherein we hold communion with any perfon, I do not do it exclufively unto other mediums ofcommu- nion; but only by the way of inducing a fpecial, and eminent inftance, for the proof and manifeftation of the former generalaffertion : otherw.ife there is no grace, or duty wherein we have not communion with God in the way defcribed. In every thing wherein we are made partakers of the divine nature, there is a communication and receiving between God and us. So near are we untohim in Chrift. 4. By afferting this diftinâ communion, which meetly refpefis that order in the difpenfation of grace, which God is pleafed to hold out in the Gofpel, I intend not in the leaft, to flint up all communion with God under thefe precinfts, his ways being exceeding broad, containing a perfection whereof there is no end' nor to prejudice that holy fellowship We have with the whole deity, in our walkingbeforehim in covenant obe- dience, whirls alfo (God afhfting) I iha11 handle hereafter. Thefe few obfervationsbeing premifed, I come now to declarewhat it is, wherein peculiarly and eminently the faints have communion with the Father: and this is love. Free, undeferved, and eternal Iove. This the Father peculiarly fixes upon the faints: this they are immediately to eye in him, to receiveofhim, and to make fuch returns thereof, as he is delighted withal. This is the great difcovery of the Gofpel. For whereas the Father as the fountain of the deity, is not known any other way but as full of wrath, anger, and indignation against fin, nor can the Sons of men have any other thoughts cif Rom. i. 18. Ifs. xxxiii sq, r6. Hob. i. 13. Pfeil. v. 4, 5, 6. Ephef. ii. g. Fiere heis now revealed peculiarly as love, as full of it unto us; the manifeftation whereof is the peculiar work of the Gofpel, Tit. iii. 4. {a) rio,ft ,C, f, i uni yvÑavá q.al) Thásgroporúvm.'is'-ukpvbs. ,aaváe soon. Mit' ev dni l),r ,,,nçnonor Mn'á'LÑ.9s' e, riuns gJmv, Mío zmiai y5 ás dd'daP Greg. Nagìan, lamb. Car. 3. (6) ne,onor0ta, riv 0ie v t. vats Ttte4Sk,ns, e ¡dom, Orar. 24. See Tbom. vs. e. 8,. 0 3. g i4. a. e. Alex.. Aief. Sum. Theo. p.3. /.19. m. i. a. 3. t. r. John