each P E K s 0 N 207 (r.) r John iv. 8. God is love. That the name of God is here taken perfonally (a), and for the perfon of the Father, not effentially, is evi- dent from v. 9. where he is diftinguifhed from his only begotten Son whom he fends into the world. Now faith he the Father is love, that is, not only of an infinitely gracious,-tender and compaffionate andloving nature, according as he bath proclaimed himfelf, Exod. xxxiv. 6, 7. but alfo one that eminently and peculiarly difpenfeth himfelf unto us in free love. So the apoftlefets it forth in the following verfes; this is love,V. 9. this is that which I would have you take notice of in him, that he makes out love unto you, in fending his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. So alfo, v. ro. He loved us and fent his Son to be the propitiati- on for our fins. And that this is peculiarly to be eyed in him, the Holy Glioft plainly declares, in making it antecedent to the fending of Chrift, and all mercies and benefits whatever by him received. This love, I fay, in its felf is antecedent to the purchafe of Chrift, although the whole fruit thereofbe made out alone thereby. Ephef.i. q, g, 6., (2.) So in that diftribution made by the apoftle in his ,folemn parting benediction, a Cor. xiii. 13. The grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift, the love of God, and the fellowihip of the Holy Ghoft be with you. Afcrib- ing fundry things unto the diftinft perfons, it is love that he peculiarly afiigns to the Father. And the fellowfhip of the Spirit is mentioned, with the grace of Chrift, and the loveof God, becaufe it is by the Spirit alone that we have fellowfhip with Chrift ingrace, and with the Father in love; althoughwe have alfo peculiar fellowfhipwith him, as (hall be declared. (3.) John, xvi. 26, 27. faith our Saviour, Ifay not unto you, that I will pray the.Fatherforyou, for the Father bimfelflovethyou(b) : but how is this, that our Saviour faith, Ifay not that Iwill pray the Father foryou, when he faith plainly chap. xiv. 16. I will pray the Father foryou? The dif- ciples with all the gracious words, comfortable and faithful promifes of their matter, with molt heavenly difcoveries of his heart unto them, were even fully convinced of his dear and tender affections towards them ; as alto of his continued care and kindnefs, that he would not forget them, when bodily he was gone from them; as he was now upon his depar- ture; but now all their thoughts are concerning the Father, how they fhould be accepted with him, what refpec't he had towards them. Saith our Saviour, take no care of that, nay impofe not that upon me, of pro- curing the Father's love for you, but know that this is his peculiar refpeCt towards you, and which you are in him; he himfelf lovesyou. It is true indeed (and as I told you,) that I willpray the Farber tofendyou the Spirit, the comforter, and with him all the gracious fruits of his love; but yet in the point of love it felf, free love, eternal love, there is no need of any intercefftoh for that, for eminently the Father himfelf loves you; refolve of that, that you may hold communion with him in and be no more troubled about it. Yea as your great trouble is, about,the Father's love, fo you can no way more trouble or burden him, than by O Devt. mill. 3. Jerem. xxxi. a. John iii. 16. v. 4z. xiv. na. Rom. v. 5 Viii. 39, Ephet ü, 4. a John ii. r5. iv. ro. n. Heb. xii. 6. Multo iµeae,oaíet+ov loquitur quam fi Deum diceret fummopere atque adeo infinite nos amare, cum Deum dicie erga nos ipfam charitatem effe, cujus Twqmiqtav profert. Bata. in loo. (5) Quo- modo igitur negat? .negar fecundum quid; hoc eft, negar fe ideo rogaturum patrem, ut pattern ïllis conciliet & ad illos amandos fleftat; quali non fit fuapte (ponte erga igloo propenfus. Voisin ergo Chriftas his verbis perfuadere apoftolin, non folum fe, fed edam ipfam pattern Ilion complefti amore Maximo. Et ita pattern eon amare, ac promtnm habere animum liti, gratifieandi, & benefaciendi, ut nullius, neque ipfius filii opus habet tali . temefûone, qua folent plagiari, & detti homines non admodum erga aliquem bene affetti, Fyn, Zanr, rte roil. Ola, lib. 4. rap 9. Vid, Hilar. deTidbit. lib. 6. p.97. Ed. Loaf. your