208 Of COMMUNION with } ou unkindnefs in not believing of it. So it muff needs be where fincere love is queftioned. (4.) The apoftle teachesthe fame Rom: v. 5.The love ofGod isflied abroad inyour hearts by the Holy Ghofl, that is, given untoyou. God whofe love this is, is plainely diftinguilhed from the Holy Ghoft, who fheds abroad that love of his; andv 8. he is alfo diffinguifbed from the Son ; for it is from that loveof his, that the on is fens; and therefore it is the Father of whom the apoftle here efpecially fpeaketh, and what is it that he af- cribes to him? Even love; which alfo v. 8. he commendeth to us, fets it forth in fuch a fingnal and eminent expreffion, that we may take' notice of it, and clofe with hiss in it. To carry this bufinefs to its height; there ib not only moft frequent peculiar mention made of the love of God, where the Father is eminently intended, andof the love of the Father expreff ly, but he is alto called the God of love, z Cor. xiii. s s. and is fail to be love, fo that whoever will know him, s John iv. 8. or dwell in him by . fèllowfhip or communion, verfe s6. mutt do it as he is love. (5.) Nay whereas there is twofolddivine love, Beneplacitá,and Amicitia, a love ofgoodpleafure, and deflination, and a love of friendfhip and appro- bation, they are both peculiarly affigned to the Father, in an eminent manner. s John iii. s6. Godfo loved the world, that he fent, &c. that is, with the love of his purpofe, and good pleafure, his determinate will of doing good. This is diffincîly afcribed to him, being laid down as the caufe of fending his Son. So Rom. ix. n, 12. Ephef. i. 4, 5. a Theft: ii. 13, 14. s John iv. 8, g. 2. John xiv. 23. there is (a) mention of that other kind of love where ofwe fpeak. If any man love me, faith Chrift, hewill keep my words and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. The love of friendlhip and approbation, is here eminentlyaf- cribed to him; fays Chrift, We.will come, even Father and Son to fuch a one, and dwell with him, that is, by the Spirit ; but yet he would hav e us take notice, that in point of love, the Father hatfi a peculiar prerogative: My Father will love him. (6.) Yea, and as this love is peculiarly to be eyed in him, fo it is to be lookedon as the fountain ofall following gracious difpenfations. Chriftians walked often times with exceedingly troubled hearts, concerning the thoughts of the Father towards them : they are well perfuaded of the Lord Chrift, and his good will: the difficulty lies in what is their accep- tance with the Father, what is his heart towards them(b)? thew us the Father and it (hall fuffice, John xiv. 8. Now this ought to be fo far a way, that his love ought to be looked on as the fountain from whence all other fweetneffes flow. Thus the apoftle fets it out, Titus hi. 4. After that the kindnefs and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,. It is of the Father of whom he fpeakes; for v. 6. he tells us, that he makes out unto us, or /beds that love upon us abundantly, through Jefus Chrifi ow' Saviour. And this love he makes the hinge, upon which the great alteration, and tranflation of the faints doth turn: for faith he y. 3. We our felves alfo were fometimes foolifh, difohedient, deceived, ferving diverfe lofts and pleafures, living in malice, and envy, hateful, and bating one another. All naught, all out of order, and vile, whence then is our recovery ? The whole rife of it is from this love of God, flowing out by theways there (a) Diligi a patre, recipi in amicitiam fummi Dei; a Deo foveri, adeoque Deo cite in delicüs, Barents. on loo. (b) Te good =Met non fumus folliciti,illod modo defidera mas, ut patrem nobis, -vet fames intnori concedarur ; Cartwright, Har. in gob. xiv. defcribed.