each P E]z so rl 209 defcrihed. For when the kindnefs and love of God appeared, that is, in the fruits of it, then did this alteration enfue, To fecure us hereof, there is not any thing that bath a loving and tender nature in the world, and doth aft fuitably thereunto, which God bath not compared himfeif unto. Separate all weaknefs and impefeetion which is in them, yet great imprelfions of love mull abide. He is as a Father, a Mother, a Shepherd, an hen over chickens, and the like, Pfal. ciii. 13, Ifa. lxii. t6. Mat. vi. 6. Ifs. lxvi. 13 Pfal. xxiii. t Ifa. xl. ii. Mattb. xxiii. 37. I fhall not need to add any more proofs ; this is that which is demon- Itrated. There is love in the perfon of the Father peculiarly held out unto thefaints, as wherein he will and doth hold communion with them. Now to compleat communion with the Father in love, two things arg required of believers; (t.) That they receive it ofhim- (2. That they make fuitable return unto him. (t.)) That they do receive it. Communion conlitts in giving and receiv- ing. Until the love of the Father be received, we have no communion with him therein. How then is this love of the Father to be received, fo as to hold fellowship with him ? I anfwer, by faith. The receiving of of it, is the believing of it. God bath fo fully, fo eminently revealed lais love, that it may be receivedby faith. rau believe in God, John xiv. r. that is, the Father; and what is to be believed in him? His love; for, he is love, t John viii. 8. le is true, there is not an immediate aging of faith upon the Father, but by the Son. He is the way the truth and the life, na man cometh unto the Father but by him, John xiv. 6. He is themercijitl high priefl over the :mule of God, by whom we have accefs to the throne of grace : by him is our manududlion unto the Father, by him we believe in God, t Pet. i. 21. But this is that f fay: when by and throughClarift we have an accefs Canto the Father, we then behold his glory alfo, and fee his love that he peculiarlybears unto us, and all faith thereon. We are then, I fay to eye it, to believe it, to receive it, as in him ; the hikes and fruits thereof; being made out unto us, through Chrift alone. Though there be no lightfor us, but in the beams, yet we may by the beams fee the fun, which is the fountain of it. Though all our refrefhment aâually lye in the dreams, yet by them we are led up unto the fountain. Jefas Chrift, it tefedl of the love of the Father, is but the beam, the ftream, wherein though alualíy all our light, our refreshment lies, yet by him we are lead to the fountain, the funofeternal love it felt. Would believers exereife theinfelves herein, they would find it a matter ofno finall fpirituál improvesisent in their walking with God. Titis is that which is aimed at. Many dark and dijlurbing thoughts areapt to arife in this thing. Few can carry .up their hearts and minds to this heighth by faith, as to rest their fouls ie the love of the Father; they live below k, in the troublefome region of hopes and fears, ftorms and clouds. All here is ferene and quiet. But how to attain to this pitch they know not. This is the will of God, that he may always be eyed as benign, kind, tender, loving, and unchangeable therein and that peculiarly as the Father, as the great fountain and fpring of all gracious communications and fruits of love. This is that which Christ came to reveal, ever God as a Father, 7ohn i. le. That namewhich he declares to thnfe who are given him out of the world, John xvii. 6. And this is that which he effectually leadsus to by himfeif, as he isthe only way ofgoing to (a) Ephef. a. ,a. G g g God