Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

each PERSON difi}inFtly. 2'I [t.] Wherein this love of God unto us, and our love to him do agree, as to fome manner of analogy and likenefs. [2.] Wherein they(a) differ; which will further difcover the nature of each of them. [1] They agree in two things. i.). That they are each a love of reft and complacency. (I. The love of God is fo, Zeph. iii. 17. The Lord thy God in the midfl of thee is mighty: be will fave, be will rejoyce over thee with joy, hewill ref in bis love, hewill joy over thee withfnging. Both thefe things arehere afligned unto God in his love; (b) reft and delight. The words are vnxa warn he !hall be filent becaufe of his lovç. To reft with con- tentment is expreffed by being filent that is without repining, without complaint. This God dothupon the account ofhis own love, fo full, fo 'every way compleat and abfolute, that it will not allow him to complain of any thing in them whom he loves, but is filent on the account thereof. Or reft in his love, that is, he will not remove it; he will not feek farther for another objekt. It lhall make its abode upon the foul where it is once fixed, for ever. And complacency or delight: he rejoyceth with fnging, as one that is fully fatisfyed in that objekt he hath fixed his loveon. Here are two words ufed to exprefs the delight and joy that God hath in his love; 2.11w+ and 4u'. The firft denotes the inward affection of the mind, joyof heart; and to fet out the intenfenefs hereof, it is faid, he (hall do it rinnwa ingladnefs, orwith joy ;to havejoyof heart in gladnefs is thehiglteft expreffionofdelight in love : the latter word denotesnot the inwardaffetli- on, but the outward (c) demonftrations of it : d7oOJ,rdv feeins to be formed of it. It is to exult in outward demonftrationof internal delight and joy. Tripudiary; to leap as men overcome with fome joyful furprifal. And therefore God is faid to do this rs m, with a joyful found, or tinging: to rejoyce with gladnefs of heart, to exult with 'tinging and praife argues the greateft delight and complacency poffible. When he would exprefsthe contrary of this love, hefays o x Bu32zsav, he was not wellpleafed, t Cor.x. g. he fixed not Ms delight, nor refs on them. And If any man drawback the Lords foul hath no pleafure in him, Heb. x. 38. erem. xxii. 28. Hof. viii. 8. Mark i. so. He takes pleafure in thole that abide with him. He fngs to his church, Avineyardofredwine,I the Lord do keep it, Ifa. xxvii. 3. Pfab clxvii ii. clxix. 4. There is reft, and complacency in his love, there is inthe Hebrew but a metathefisofa letterbetween the word that liignifiesa love ofwill anddelire (ami is fo to love)andthat which denotes a love of refs andacquief- cency (which is nail) and both are applied to God. He wills good to us, that he may reft in that will. Some fay d7awüe to leve, is from òbcev pepfe&ly to acquiefce in the thing loved. And when God calls his Son, nb am ràv, beloved, Math. iii..07. he addsasan expofition of it it w ivN mU2 ; in whom I ref well pleafed. 2.) The return that the faints make unto him to compleat communion with him herein, holds force analogy with his love in this; for it is a love alto of (d) tell and delight. Return to thy reIt, 0 my foul,. fays David, Pfal. cxvi. 7. He makes God his reff; that is, he in whom his foul doth reft, without feeking further, for a more fuitable and defireable objet: whom have I faith he, in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth that (o).Avérx)ea d''tr ` rs aä.is iuni' jaiyaadr toua' prxi. r, xj rie píaaate d'eî 711a4.u, &c. A';/t. Vb. lib. 8. r. 7.. (b) Effeftus amorisquando babetur amaron, eft delefatio. 7F,om. ,s. q. 25. a. 2. I. Amor ell co+nplacentia amantis in amato. Amor eft mottos cordisdeleftanrisfe in alìqno, AO. O Externúm magis gouda Geftum, qua ternan an" i Imtitiam lignificana cum value tripPodiis ft volutationibus gaudere fequis oftendit. Pagnin. '71 ;; laritia geftüt, ani i laritiam geßù corporis expreliit, asilivir gaudio. Cola(. (d) Fecifti nos ad to, domina, S:irrequie- tameft cor nostrum donee venial ad te, Aug. (e) Pfal. sxxvii 7. ita. xxviü, au, lieb. iv. 9. I delre