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each PERSON dif¢inc`lly, 213 yet they are not to lookfor one drop from him, but what conies through Chrift. He is the only meansofcommunication. Love in the Father, is like honey in the flower ; it mutt be in the combe, before it be for our ufe. Chrift mutt extrait and prepare this honey for us. He draws this water from the fountain, through union and difpenfation of fulnefs, we by faith from the wells offalvatiòn that are in him. This was in part before difcovered. (2. Our returns areall in him, andby himalfo. And well it is withus, that it is fo. What lame and blind facrifices Should we otherwife prefent unto God? He (a) bears the ini4uities of our offerings, and he adds in cenfe unto our prayers. Our loveas fixed on the Father, but it is conveyed tohim through the Son ofhis love. He is the only way for our graces, as well as our perfons to go unto God: through him paffeth all our deliire, our delight, our complacency, our obedience. Of which more after- wards. Now in thefe two things, there is fome refemblance, between that mutu- al love of the Father and the faints, wherein theyhold communion. 2. There are fundry things wherein they differ. (s.) The love of God is a love of bounty, our love unto him isa love of duty. s.) The love ofthe Father isa love of bounty, a defcending love. Such a love as carries him out to do good things tous; great things for us. His love lies at thebottomof all difpenfationstowards us: and we fcarce any where find anymention of it, but it is held out as thecaufe and fountain of Tome free gift, flawing from it (b). He loves us and fends his Son to die for us g he loves us, and blelleth uswith all fpiritualbleffings. Loving is choofing, Ross. ix; s, s2. He loves us and chaftizeth us. (c) A love like that of the heavens to the earth, when being full of rain, theypour forth showersto make it fruitful' ;as the feacommunicates his waters to the rivers by theway ofbounty out of itsown fulnefs g they return unto it only what they receive from it. It is the love ofa fpring, ofa fountain, alwayscommu- nicating. (d)A love from whence proceeds every thing that is lovely in its objelt. It infufeth into, and creates goodnefs in theperfons beloved and this anfwers the defcriptionof love given by the Philofopher: tolove faith he tsz ßf?seSai sere ä&era; cixt..974xai (rAtivauty orewareáv foes 7147er. He that loves, works out good to them he loveth, as he is able: God's power and will are commenfurate. What he willeth, he worketh. 2.) Our love unto God is a love of duty: the love of a child. His love defcends upon us in bounty and fruitfulnefs; (e) our love afcends unto him in duty and thankfulnefs. He adds to us by his love, we nothing to him by ours. Our goodnefs extends not unto him. Though our love be fixedon him (f) immediately, yet nofruit of our love reacheth him im- mediately, thoughhe requires our love, heis not benefited by it, 7oh. xxxv. g, 6, 7, 8. Rom. xi. 35. fob. xxii. 2, 3. It is indeed made up of thefe four things. 1. Pelt, 2 Delight, 3 Reverence; ¢ Obedience. By thefe do we bold communion with the Father in his love. Hence God calls that love which is due to him as a Father, honour, Malar. is 6. If I be a Father, *here is seine honour ? It is a deferved ad ofduty. t.) Esod. xseis. gS. Reset vSi 3. Job*. sssv. G. Howz. 20, 21, 22. (b) John iii. 16. Rom. v. 8. Spier. i. 3, 4. t John iv. 9, to.Heb. xii. 6. Revel. iii. t9. (e) go;, µvò, boeyv3v eea5ipeev öeSex.atee,r git }war, Eurip. (d) Amor Dei eß infundens& creams bonmtatem in amatis, , p. g 20. $ 2 C (e) Aomor Iïei caufat bonitateab in rebut,' fed amer notice avatar ab ea. (f) Dileft4o gum eft appetativa virtutis atlas, etfam in Saturn via tendit in Deum prime & immediate, 7k: 20.1. 27. à, 4, H h li' (2.) They