2I8 Of COíilMUNION with Let I fay the foul frequently eye the love of the rather, and that un- der thefe cofiderations, they are all foul conquering and ende- (z.) So eye it, as to receive it; ulefs this be added, all iF in vain as to any communion with God. We do not holdcommunion with him in any thing, until it be received by faith. This then is that which I would provoke the faints of God unto, even to believe this love of God for themfelves, and their ownpart; believe that fuels is the heart of the Father towards them, accept of his witnefs herein. His love is not ours in the fweetnefs of it until it befo received. Continually then aft thoughtsof faith on God, as love to thee, as embraceing thee with the eternal free love before defcribed. When the Lord is by his word prefented as fuch unto thee, let thy mind know it, and aífent that it is fo and thy will em- brace it in its being fo; and all thy afFecìions, be filled with it. Set thy whole hearts to it. Let it be boundwith the cords of this love. (a) Ifthe King behound in the galleries with thy love, lhouldeft thou not be bound in heavenwith his ? (3.) Let it have its proper fruit and efficacy upon thy heart, in re- turns of love to him again. So !hall we walk in the light of God's coun- tenance, and hold holy communion with our Father all the day long. Let us not deal unkindly with him, and return him !lighting for his good will . Let there not be fuch an heart in us, is to deal fo unthank- fully with our God. Now to further us in this duty and the daily conftantpra &ice ofit, Ilhall addone or two cofiderations that may be of importance thereunto, as r.) It is exceeding acceptable unto God even cur Father, that we Mould thus hold communion with him in his love; ïiiat he may be received into our fouls, as one full of love, tendernefs andkindn; f towards us. Fiefh and blood is apt to have very hard thoughts ofhits; to think he is always angry, yea implacable : that is not for poor creatures to draw nigh to him, that nothing in the world is more defirable than never to come into his prefence, or (as they fay) where he bath any thing to do. (b) Who amongfi- us_Pall dwell with that devouring fire, who amongfi us fisall inhabit with thofe everlafiing burning: ? fay the fanners in Sion : And (c) Iknew thou waft an auftere man, faith the evil fervant in the Gofpel. Now there is mot any thing more grievous to the Lord, nor more fubfervient to the defign of fatan upon the foul, than fuch thoughts as thefe. Satan claps his hands, if I my fo fay, when he can take up the foul with fuchthoughts of God : he hath enough, all that he doth delire. This bath been his defign,and way from the beginning. The (d) firft blood, thatmurderer flied, Was by this means. He lead our firft parents into hard thoughts of God. Hath God faid fo? bath he threatned you with death? Heknows well enough, it will be better with you: with this engine did he batter, and overthrow all mankind in (e) in one: and beingmindful ofhis ancient con- quell, he readily ufeth the fame weapons wherewith then, he fo fucces£ully contended. Now it is exceeding grievous to the fpirit of God, to be fo pandered in the thehearts of thofe whom hedearly loves. How doth he expoftulate this with Sion? What iniquity (f) have you feen is me? faith he, have I been a wildernefs untoyou, or a land ofdarknef?? (g ) Sion bathfaid the Lord bathforgotten me, andmy God bath forfaken me. But can a mother, &c. Tite Lord taken nothing worfe at the hands of (a) t John iv. O. (5) Cant. vii. q. (o) Ifa. amii. rg, 16. (d) Luke six. in. (e) Gen. iii. i,. (f) Cf d aí,vii ivoirin, Rom. v. sa. Jar, id. V. 3t (8) If.. M. 07, s8, vo, Ifa, Mix. ,g, r6. his